salvyhead Member


  • It's not overeating if you consider your weekly calories. You could theoretically have a 10,000-calorie day as long as your weekly is still where it needs to be. (Arbitrary number - I wouldn't try it because the recovery would be painfully austere.) I bank calories all the time. Do a few fasting days (1000 or less) in…
  • The scale is a joke - unless you refuse to buy the medical community's tripe about BMI. BMI was never designed to measure the health of individuals - it was created by a mathematician in the 19th century to assess the weight of populations. So it's a completely inappropriate tool to determine any one person's 'ideal'…
  • Well - the anxiety will only make things worse so try to relax. Take it one day at a time. Focus on things you can do right now - try not to obsess over the big picture. Increase your protein and decrease your carbs and you'll start to get a handle on things. Carbs are your biggest enemy - too many calories in too small a…
  • Hi - you pose a very good question that we all have had to wrestle. This! <Do your very best, then let the pressure to be perfect go. > Great advice. Here's my strategy, FWIW but it's for a single-day event: First, don't worry too much. Most of these trips/parties/holidays are not pop-quiz surprises so you can prepare…
  • First congrats on your new you. To your question - it's really a matter of 1) where you are comfortable and 2) what's realistic for you. First of all, forget BMI. It's a scam. It was devised 100 years ago to measure the weight of populations, not individuals. And it is a really, really, REALLY crappy tool to assess…
  • Maintenance tends to be more difficult than losing, IMHO, so you're not alone in your frustration. Others have made this observation as well. I go with my wife's advice: think of how hard you worked to lose the weight. Why tear down what you worked so hard to build? I can't remember who but recently somebody wrote - it's…
  • I hear this all the time and consider it a compliment. After all, they're just jealous. :)
  • "Overweght" is a relative term. The BMI is a notoriously bad tool for assessing it. It was designed to assess the weight of populations, not individuals. For the life of me I can't figure out why the medical establishment holds on to it like gospel. The only time in my life I was 'normal' weight according to BMi was when I…
  • It helps me to think of the weekly number and not obsess over the daily. I can eat over goal one day as long as I make up for it the next six. As long as my weekly number is where it needs to be, I maintain.
  • Goal was 180, went to maintenance after I hit 176.
  • I recently upped my protein level significantly - adding more lean meats to my diet and eating way fewer carbs. One of the benefits of this decision (for me) was less hunger and fewer sweet/carb cravings. The theory, from what I've read, is that protein is timed-release energy and satisfies your need for calories on a…
  • I eat my TDEE on rest days and TDEE plus about half my exercise calories on gym days. (If I eat all my exercise calories, I gain.) Have been maintaining eleven months so this approach works for me. Of course some people can eat all their exercise calories - unfortunately I am not among them. -S
  • 1400 may be too much for you. Not saying it is - but it may be. Finding your true TDEE is an exercise in trial and error because everybody's metabolism is different. However you should be aware that if you were overweight for any number of years, a calorie's not a calorie. It's more like 1.2 calories. This is based on…
  • No apology needed for questions - that's what the forums are for! :) You are right, maintenance is tough. In some ways it's harder than losing because it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking you're 'finished' when in fact, as long as you're breathing, you're never finished. As long as you don't go completely nuts on…
  • The way I deal with this is to look at the weekly net, not the daily. It's easy if you use the phone app but I don't think the graph is available on the web app yet. See This is a typical week for me. A few days over, a few days under - the gray bar average, where it…
  • Congrats! Good news, you've given yourself an excellent start. Bad news, maintaining is harder than losing (in my opinion). You may be one of the lucky ones who finds it not too troublesome. Good luck. My advice, FWIW: - Keep counting. - Find your true TDEE (the online calculators are merely guidelines, everybody's…
  • My feet grew when I started working out. 1/2 to a whole size depending on the show. But they haven't shrunk with the weight loss.
  • Not every gym is like that. Ours is mostly -normal- people and only a few of those robots from outer space you described. You may find a more comfortable place if you shop around.
  • I eat pretty much whatever I want on holidays and make up for it in subsequent days. As long as you're at or near your calorie goal at the end of the week, you're good to go. Life's short. :)
  • Everybody's different. I cannot eat mine but many do without a prob. I eat about half mine - if I eat them all, I gain. S
  • It's important to use a weight averaging tool (for me - it keeps me from freaking out over upwards fluctuations!) Scooby has a good one, Good luck,
  • Congrats on homing in your goal. Keep logging for sure. A few bits of advice 1) Take the online TDEE predictions with a grain of salt. they are guidelines, only - not hard and fast accurate for everybody. You may have to eat less or you may be able to eat more. You'll know once you start and can adjust using real-world…
  • Tried it - didn't work. Gained 7 lb in a heartbeat.
  • You're not obsessing - this is important information and will affect your results. I cannot eat all my exercise calories. If I do, I gain. So I generally eat 50 - 60 percent of them. Everybody's metabolism is different. I've discussed this with my dietitian and she is of the same basic makeup as I. She cannot eat hers…
  • BMI was designed to assess the weight of populations, not individuals. So I generally take it with a grain of salt. Here's an thought-provoking opinion piece on it which helped guide my thinking away from obsessing over it.
  • I never want to go to the gym. Ever. Under any circumstances. If my wife asks 'do you want to go to the gym today?' I always say 'no.' So she's learned to ask 'are we going to the gym today?' Then I can say 'yes.' (It's this silly little old married couple game we play.) The point - I go. Even though I'd rather be…
  • For me, more difficult. However as with most things in life it's all about point of view. After I first hit my goal - it's such a big achievement, I kind of had the idea I was 'finished.' I breathed a sigh of relief, stopped counting/measuring and thought I could maintain without dieting. Big mistake. Gained six pounds in…
  • Congrats on the amazing accomplishment of 60 plus! Wow. If it helps you're not alone. I refused to weigh myself (just stubborn) when I started maintenance and it was a big mistake. Didn't even own a scale. Immediately piled on like six lbs. I think it took about five minutes. :) Not sure exactly but it was quick. Bought a…