siobhsies Member


  • Thanks for your replies! I am now thinking I should do the Stronglifts workout Saturday morning before I meet him. That way I will have it done and then I can just mess around and do a few bits.
  • Thanks for that Spickard. I did the hour spinning last night. It wasn't the hardest class I have ever done but still burnt some cals. I got up this morning and did NMTZ. I was DREADING it because I remembered how hard it was from the last time but it is never as bad as you think. So happy I did it now. Spinning this…
  • I'm devastated about this! It seems to be still working on my ipad but I can't use that in the gym. I'll have to try do the workouts at home. I have found links to the app and I get a warning that "This item is not available in the Ireland Store" :(
  • Wow that is great! I think you have just inspired me to give the 30 Day Shred another go! I made it to day 23 before but I wasn't allowing myself rest days and it all got a bit much. Aiming for 37 days or something like that would give more room for manoeuvre!
  • Wow I could have written that myself. I am an extremist - I am either counting every calorie that passes my lips or else I am shoveling down food so fast I don't know what I am eating!
  • Is this a joke?! Sounds like back in my parents day when my dad had 9 brothers and sisters and had to share the dirty bath water! I shower daily but don't always wash my hair because it takes so long to dry!
  • Hey guys! Dub here! Would love some more MFPals in the same time zone!
  • Was it me?! haha I love my fake tan but it does look ridiculous in the gym, especially if you have only put it on the night before - it looks like muck running down your legs/neck/face :laugh:
  • FALSE I love house music TNP has Irish roots
  • I know I just want my first week to be successful to keep me motivated. "Everything in moderation" is probably the hardest thing for me. I am all or nothing! It's something I have always had to deal with. It's nearly like a split personality - sometimes I'm in fat mode and never full and sometimes I'm a health freak and…
  • Is there somewhere on MFP that shows calories for the week?
  • Stupid Valentines Day.:sad:
  • Endomondo is great for me and its linked to MFP!
  • I'm 5'9" and would always wear 6 inch heels when I am out. I don't like shorter men, I feel like a giantess beside them. I would walk into a bar and its like I don't even see the guys that are below 6ft. Its hilarious if I have flats - it opens up a whole new world of men! ha!
  • You know 12 kilos is only 26 pounds?
  • I am only starting on MFP and now its Pancake Tuesday!! I ran 10km this morning to allow enough calories for nutella and pancakes this evening. Cannot wait for it. I will be so proud if I can enjoy the pancakes and stick within my daily cals!
  • Thanks! I was in New York last week and everyone guessed I was Irish because of my hair and then knew I was Irish cos of my accent!
  • You are right, I used to lift weights in my gym in college but I knew the guys and always went really early in the morning. I think I need a few PT sessions to give me some guidance as I wouldn't have a clue where to start. The new gym does PT sessions starting at €15 for 30 mins which is great value.
  • I could never live in a country that didn't have Penneys! haha! Thanks for the recipe! It seems too good to be true, I will definitely give it a go later, thanks!
  • HI everybody, thanks for the replies and requests! It has to be easier when other people are tracking what you do! I find the 1200 hard to stick to too but I will do plenty of exercise to earn some extra calories. I love walking. I like running. I enjoy spin classes and going to the gym when I have a proper program. I…
  • I have done spin classes in the past and I think they are great! I just joined a new gym and the spin bikes are called 'Real Ryders' because they tilt left to right so it is an added core workout. Plus the spinning room is lit only with UV light. Along with the dance music, I feel like I am at a rave! I have only done two…
  • Hi all! I'm 5' 9" and about 170 (just got batteries for my scales today so I will know for sure in the morning). I didn't want to add any of my FB friends on this as I did not want to be that open about it but would love the support of other MFP members in a similar situation. Hope you don't mind if I add some of you. I'm…