

  • What shots are those? I don't want them personally because I want to do this the old fashioned way but I have never heard of this? I would be annoyed by the gloating too and the really sad thing is I doubt this will actually work long term because you need to change your life to remain healthy. Good for you for doing what…
  • I'm waiting for a copy of it from the library. I'll check back here when I start:)
  • Thanks everyone for the support :) I've been reading through and found some great information about people that "suddenly start leaving junk food around" its been helpful. Oh and I did end up having a conversation with her and as it turns out I was right and will be keeping my healthy goals to myself from now on. Either…
  • I think you may be right hhhmmm Now its a competition and I will win:) ~Jean
  • Thanks:) I work in a public office so people do actually come in for candy so I decided I am going to get rid of the stuff as soon as possible LOL. I work in a care center also which makes this even sadder for the mindset. A month ago I would have been happy it is here...Progress!!!!! ~Jean
  • I weigh in every Tuesday morning with my trainer before I eat and work out and that’s the one I track. I “sneak” during the week but my home scale is messed and always wrong by a few pounds so I don’t take it seriously. Then why do I do it…..I have no idea lol
  • Im 5'1and 238 pounds and my current goal weight is 150 and see how I look and feel and then decide what I want next. I like my height and know we can lose weight and be fit just like the taller people lol
  • I do not like sequins or ruffles or polka dots and it seems like big women clothes are made this way. I hate thinking everyone is watching me when I eat crap food because I am judging myself and assume everyone is doing the same I hate the fact that plus size clothes cost more I hate never been able to shop with my friends…
  • If you have anxiety issues anything can cause them really. I have GAD myself and thinking about it and worrying can cause a attack. I do not think losing weight in itself is the issue its how you feel about it that matters. The more dedicated I am to making and keeping myself healthy the less attacks I have on a regular…
  • That sound like a great idea to me:) Jean