Losing weight and anxiety

Question: Does anyone know if losing weight can trigger anxiety or panic attacks? I have lost 17 pounds and in the last week and a half I have been dealing with what feels like anxiety issues during the evening. I feel like Im having shortness of breath but I can actually breathe really deeply and then I start thinking about it and start to panic a little....it goes away after 20-30 minutes. Anyone else dealing with this? I feel like it happens when I am resting and not doing anything in particular?


  • GraceSteps
    If you have anxiety issues anything can cause them really. I have GAD myself and thinking about it and worrying can cause a attack. I do not think losing weight in itself is the issue its how you feel about it that matters. The more dedicated I am to making and keeping myself healthy the less attacks I have on a regular bases. Have you seen anyone about anxiety before?

    Also if you were eating lots of sugar and caffeine before and cut that back it could be that affecting you. I do not drink caffeine and keep my sugars even and my current healthy way of life makes that much easier.

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    This was happening early on in my journey. I went to the Dr. and he wanted me to bring my diary...I went overboard on cutting fat and wasn't getting anywhere close to enough healthy fats in my diet. Since then I've made sure that 30% of my calories are coming from fats, primarily healthy fats. If you've gone low fat/no fat, this could be it. Not getting your requisite fat really takes it's toll on the brain and nervous system.
  • LetzgoOU
    LetzgoOU Posts: 24 Member
    I have had anxiety issues before. I have alprazolam that I take when needed....but I really try to stay away from using it if possible. I have cut down to eating only 1200 calories a day. Thanks for the input. I havent' seen my doctor in a long time for anxiety issues so maybe its time to check back in with him! Thanks!
  • LetzgoOU
    LetzgoOU Posts: 24 Member
    And actually I used to drink three to four diet dr peppers a day and I have cut down to only one a day. I wonder if that has caused part of it. Maybe my body is trying to adjust to that and is not handling it well!