
I have been going to my work gym for about a month now. I talk about health and what I am working on with my coworker all the time. Normally we only have sweets here on

I just reached 10 pounds lost yesterday and so happy and told her.

Today she brought in a large bag of miniature candy which is now at the same desk we share WTF!!!!

Is this a odd sabotaging thing or something??? She is normally a very nice person but this just seems mean.

I am trying to ignore it and doing ok. I did make a few jokes like..are you trying to sabotage me but its for others I was told. Again first time that this has happened that was not Halloween.

Has this happened to others?



  • Maxibris
    Maxibris Posts: 61 Member
    I totally get you,

    My loving boyfriend made a delicious chocolate cake yesterday even though he knows I am watching my calories. It's just sitting there in the kitchen and it's really difficult to ignore it.

    If you can, you should try (kindly) asking her to put the bag in one of her drawers so you are not staring at it all day hearing the candy calling your name and not focusing on your work.
  • kg047
    kg047 Posts: 95 Member
    Someone may be jealous. Do your best to ignore the food.
  • GraceSteps

    I work in a public office so people do actually come in for candy so I decided I am going to get rid of the stuff as soon as possible LOL.

    I work in a care center also which makes this even sadder for the mindset.

    A month ago I would have been happy it is here...Progress!!!!!

  • GraceSteps
    I think you may be right hhhmmm Now its a competition and I will win:)

  • Zelinna
    Zelinna Posts: 207 Member
    This is a great test for your will power.

    My desk is in a very central location, so I get all the candy placed on it... ALL THE TIME..I currently have a bin of Hershey's kisses that have been there all week. Candies just randomly appear when I'm not there.

    I do my best to ignore it, or I log it in my diary to see the affect on my calories. If I have room, I have one or two, and usually when I am going away from the desk (in case I can't stop).

    The way I see it... if i have some now, I can't have my evening snack. I would much rather have my evening snack than a few pieces of chocolate.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Sabotage implies that someone else WANTS you to fail. That they are taking an active, forward step in running you off your goal. Is your coworker actually trying to do this, or is it likely that they just bring in candy thoughtlessly, like most office's have?

    Congrats on moving it - that's what I often do when I have things sitting in front of me that I don't have the room for in my goals.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I eat candy. I just eat it in And I don't see how your coworker was trying to sabotage you.

    But either's a quote from a fellow MFPer that I keep on my profile:

    "Stop being weak, only weak people allow themselves to be sabotaged" - MFPer Acg67
  • GraceSteps
    Thanks everyone for the support :)

    I've been reading through and found some great information about people that "suddenly start leaving junk food around" its been helpful.

    Oh and I did end up having a conversation with her and as it turns out I was right and will be keeping my healthy goals to myself from now on.

    Either way my goal has not changed and I am still losing weight and getting healthy!!!!

    p.s This was a question about sabotage attempts ...Never about someone actually having power over me.
