KikiinVA Member


  • I'm back here for the umpteenth time. Stay on course, get into a healthy lifestyle NOW and keep it throughout your life. You don't want to be me at 40 something and starting over again. Plus - looking back I was so much skinnier back in my 20's even when I thought I was fat. DOn't beat yourself up - trying to remember to…
  • The site where the C25K program is on also gives a link to some good stretches. lots of other good info there as well.
  • GOOD SHOES! I highly encourage you to go to a running store and make sure you have proper shoes for your feet. That said, rest a bit. Ice is good. At the beginning you should only be doing 15 or 30 second runs with 45 second or so walks...slow it down if you need to. And lazy is correct - stretching is very important. If…
  • Have done the Leslie Sansone walk videos - not bad for a low impact work out. Have really liked the Firm ones from a few years ago, like to mix up of cardio and strength. Like my kick boxing ones. I think what I am trying to say is VARIETY and actually doing them are the biggest key factors. All of them get old fast - the…
  • Take what I say with a grain of salt as I loose some and then sabotage myself. Should be down 15 pounds by now and only about half way there. are the quality of your calories? My trainer says reduce carbs! So very hard. Maybe you need 60 minutes of exercise. Are you weight training too? Are you taking…
  • No real clue here....muscle mass being added? Have you measured by inches to see if you are decreasing or how your clothes fit? Alcohol really packs the pounds on and makes it hard for me to loose. You are such an extreme athlete with marathons and lots of running that I would consult a professional dietician or…
  • How hard are you breathing? Just a slight bit heavy? Mild. Can you still carry on a conversation in sentences? Moderate. Only get a word or two out at a time? Vigorous. Make sense?
  • LOSING INCHES ----WAHOOO!!! Don't worry about the scale. Losing inches means you are gaining muscle. Muscle at rest burns something like 9 calories per pound, fat only burns 2 calories. Keep track every week of the inches - not necessarily the pounds (muscle weighs more). Keep it up and maybe change it up, food wise and…
  • My Dad had it last April...not fun. Of course he tries to eat too much food. ALways throwing up in the morning. Good luck.