

  • Ya it was hard at first to adjust; but it's a lot easier now! Yes having kids does make it more difficult...agree haha.
  • Awesome; yes following it has helped me with snacking lol I haven't tried the 5:2 yet- I have heard good things about that as well.
  • I love what the Basis can do, but do you think it is worth the cost?? I did some research on the Amiigo and that seems amazing! I think it is being released in April..
  • Thanks Everyone! Clearly Polar is the way to go, which is great! I appreciate everyone's feedback:happy:
  • Wow! I have totally rethought this whole thing based on everyone's insight and will not do the juice fast any longer. Seems as though I really am putting my health at risk and it is definitely not worth it, especially considering I have a 9 month old son to care for! I will set up a regular exercise routine and go back to…
  • I have it too and I love it! It definitely works if you stick to it! Good luck!!
  • Well I was going to juice both fruits and vegetable so that I wasn't intaking just sugar from all the fruit. But it is a good idea about the intermittent fasting. gave me alot to think about! I appreciate your thoughts...
  • From what I have seen online many people do the juice fast for 30 days! I figured I would die before I made it that long! LOL. I will try a few days rather than 10, especially since it's my first fast. Thanks for the insight ladies! =)