

  • im actually so glad that I joined this and started tracking my weight/calorie intake!! number one its working and number two im so much more aware of what i eat and what I am putting in my body!!!!!!!!! :)
  • Inspiration much!????????????????????? look fantastic!!!!!
  • ah dont stop now you seem to be doing so well!!! I only started like ten days ago and I also got really annoyed when my jeans still fit me the same but Im just thinking of the long term. Scales said I lost 2 pounds last week which isnt alot but if i lose 2 pounds every week Ill be flying!!!!! :) :) :) stay strong!!!
  • I dont agree with it at all, I am 5'11 and weigh 206 pounds at last weigh in. Ok so that sounds alot but I am a size 16 (UK) I play basketball at the highest level in both my college and in the country (Ireland) which means I have training 4 times a week and I try to get to the gym as much as possible.... If I was…
  • Yay all the newbies :) haha
  • ive just cut soda out altogether....its so bad for you and so fattening!
    in Soda Comment by scaldawg January 2011
  • oh my god thats amazing congrats!!!! keep it up!!!!!!!
  • Id say the same thing Im a demon for snacking on sweets and crisps and If I start eating one pack ill have five haha...but if you have some healthy snacks prepared youre more likely not to snack on bad stuff....after that its just will power!!!! you can do it! quit em cold turkey! :)