Paranoid and impatient.

Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been doing really good for going on three weeks now. Havent been eating out, been excersing and the scale is saying that I lost a few pounds but I'm not noticing a difference yet in anything. My clothes still fit the same, my jeans arent getting looser. I know it's only been almost 3 weeks and that obviously if it was that quick to loose weight then everyone would do it but I'm just afraid that I'm not going to notice a difference. I dont want to get frustrated and then be like ugh forget it and binge on fast food because I've been doing soooo good.


  • I've heard that it takes a ten 10lbs loss to go down a dress size - so you are nearly there. I bet you'll notice a change very soon - it will probably hit you all at once!
  • ah dont stop now you seem to be doing so well!!! I only started like ten days ago and I also got really annoyed when my jeans still fit me the same but Im just thinking of the long term. Scales said I lost 2 pounds last week which isnt alot but if i lose 2 pounds every week Ill be flying!!!!! :):):) stay strong!!!
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    I have been doing this for the last 3 mopnths and just starting to see it in my jeans Oh and In that time I lost 5 pounds but working as hard as anyone else. So in my book you are doing great!!! Do you exercice? it really help with shrinking and toning
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    You're likey not going to notice a big physical difference from a few pounds. My first time through I didn't start noticing a difference in my clothes until about 10-15 pounds. But the mental rush I got from losing a few motivated me to lose a few more, and so on. Don't stop now, you're on the right path. If you're dying for a cheat, then have one cheat meal or one cheat food, but don't blow your success! Good luck!
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I have been doing really good for going on three weeks now. Havent been eating out, been excersing and the scale is saying that I lost a few pounds but I'm not noticing a difference yet in anything. My clothes still fit the same, my jeans arent getting looser. I know it's only been almost 3 weeks and that obviously if it was that quick to loose weight then everyone would do it but I'm just afraid that I'm not going to notice a difference. I dont want to get frustrated and then be like ugh forget it and binge on fast food because I've been doing soooo good.
    I think maybe you need to change things up if you came here in 2010 you know it could be time for a whole new outlook on everything..losing an inch or a pound isnt as important as keeping the promises we make to ourselves set small goals non scale related but still health related and activity related..and I bet you will start to see a change.
  • I feel just as inpatient and it has only been a week for me!! The thing is, we are VERY aware of our bodies, especially when trying to alter them, so I'll bet that others are noticing the difference even if you are not. Change is frustratingly slow, but you will get there. Just keep up the good work! And even if you do slip up, there's no point in beating yourself up about it, just dust yourself off and start again. 8lbs in 3 weeks is amazing!! well done!
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    what exercise do you do?
  • don't get discouraged, i felt the same.. then by chance tried on some clothes that i had got to big for and they fit perfectly. when you look in the mirror everyday you don't notice the subtle weight loss, but believe me its there so keep at it.
  • Hey!

    I know the feeling all to well! It took me nearly 4 months to lose 4 lbs. I really wasn't motivated, got on kicks of fitness then got frustrated when I didn't feel a difference. I also was suckered in to eating poorly or too much because I wasn't listening to my body, I was following the lead of others who weren't as concerned about their weight gain or diet and nutrition.

    I think the hardest part is remembering that it didn't take us a short time to gain the weight. For most of us, the weight gain was gradual..a few pounds a year adds up...quicker than we think.

    Don't let the fact that you aren't seeing/feeling a difference yet stop you. You have been really motivated and your weight loss so far is great. Just think about the end goal - feeling good, looking good and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It is a journey to where we want to be and everyday is a new one! Stay on track!! The results will come!!
  • Give it a chance, your probably building muscle. Couple of months more and you should begin to see result, not major one, but some change. It wont happen over night, keep it up for a year or so and you'll become used to eating healthy and have better result. Has taken me about a year and a half to get toned and more muscles. To me it's not the losing, but keeping it off that is hard. Take care, doing great girl, give yourself a break, enjoy your weekend.
  • Don't give up!!! Try on some clothes that you have shrunk out of! This makes me feel better. I've been getting back into things that I haven't been able to wear in over 6 months, and it feels really good. If I get to feeling chubby, I put on something that I wore all the time 13 lbs. ago. Try it out! See if this works!
  • Don't give up! It's taken me 3 MONTHS to lose 8 lbs! You're doing great. Just keep plugging away. Sometimes it takes a long time (usually!) , but the math doesn't lie. Just like saving or investing... before you know it, it will be a few months later and a few more pounds will be gone. And one day, surprise, those old jeans or dress will fit. Remember, it took most of us 10 or 20 years to put on the weight we are trying to lose - in just a few months!
  • Just remember - you didn't put the weight on in 3 weeks. It won't come off that fast, either. And if it DOES - then go to a doctor, you probably have a tapeworm! ;-)

    Also, you will fluctuate, retain water, lose water, build muscle, lose fat, all those things will contribute to a difference on the scale. This morning, I looked in the mirror and SAW a difference - even though when I stepped on the scale it was a seven pound difference from Monday morning. SEVEN. There's no way I legitimately gained seven pounds in four days. It's water weight or something else screwing with me - but today, my reflection in the mirror made me stop and say to myself, "OMG. It's working."

    Hang in there. You're doing just fine. <3
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    You aren't heavy to begin with and you don't have a lot to lose. It makes it that much harder for to see a difference (also makes it harder to get the weight off). I've been on this since November 2010 and only now am I really starting to see a difference.

    Just give it time and you will get there
  • I felt a big difference in myself when I'd lost 9lbs, we had some family coming to stay and I thought they'd be telling me how great I was losing so much! that didn't happen!! Just like you after 9lbs my clothes were the same pretty much and I didn't look very different. it wasn't until I lost over a stone that people started noticing and when I went to visit family minus 20lbs the REALLY noticed.
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