

  • I do have a cheat meal now and again, usually when I'm really craving something in particular. I try to save up the calories for it during the week, or to make up for it in the following week. When I'm really wanting something, I go ahead and have it.
  • I'm not sure how to add pics, I'll try to figure that out and come back with some. I'm 6'1 and it has taken me a year to lose 50 pounds. I'd like to lose 100 more.
  • I have PCOS and insulin resistance, I take metformin for that. It has taken me a year to lose 50 lbs, and I started out slowly, just making little changes at a time so I wouldn't be overwhelmed. I work with a personal trainer for weight training twice a week, I use MFP to count calories, and I try to do an hour of cardio…
  • I borrow a phrase from 12-step programs- "Just for today." Don't worry about tomorrow, the next 2 weeks, the next month, year, rest of your life- etc. Just for today, drink the water, resist the junk food, do your exercise. Just make it through this one day, and then you can deal with tomorrow when it gets here. When I…
  • I do think about that, and I often dread the scale, but those negative thoughts aren't really helpful. Not knowing my weight doesn't change what I weigh- it's still the same number even if I don't know what it is. Knowledge is power, and we do have the tools to improve. Praise yourself for your hard work and effort to…
  • I think there is a lot of helpful advice on this thread. I agree, don't compare yourself to your husband, and if wearing his old clothes isn't helping your body image, get some cute workout clothing for yourself. I thought I'd never find workout clothes to fit me, but I found my workout wear at Old Navy. They don't sell…
  • I stopped drinking Diet Coke at home, but will still have one if we go out to eat. I gave it up for the aspartame reasons as well, and for the expense of it. I found I just had to stop having it in the house, and that water satisfies me most of the time now. We also bought a sodastream, so if I really want something fizzy,…