

  • I've read that drinking a large quantity ice cold water in the AM causes your core temp to drop. As a result, your body kick's in the furnace which burns up calories. Read this article
  • In the p90 literature they say each exercise round is designed to burn approximately 600 calories - assuming you "bring it" with the right intensity. In myfitness pal I only record the exercises as burning 400 cal because I know the 600 is an estimate. At 400 I know I won't eat too much during the day. I'm in week 10 of…
  • For a healthier chocolate snack try Emerald Cocoa Roasted almonds. 6 Protein, 6 carb, 13 fat (but good fat). Cheap processed milk chocolate will keep you going back for a chocolate fix which will add a ton of calories from the sugar. Perhaps try a dark chocolate (65-70%). You'll get a stronger fix and not need to eat a…
  • Don't feel too defeated. The scale only tells part of the story, so make sure you use before and after pictures + measurements and body fat %. Keep in mind that you should be adding some muscle too and that will weigh more than fat. For instance, my goal is to lose 25lbs, but if I'm packing on muscle, the net result might…
  • There is evidence that red wine promotes fat loss and muscle gain. It's related to the resveratrol compound that is found in wine. 1-2 cups are about all you need for the benefits.
  • HI, I just started the P90X program and their ratios of fat : Carb : proteins is pretty specific for the various phases of the program. For example if you are trying to drop fat in the early phases (day 1-30) of their "Fat Shredder" program the ratio is 50% protein 20% fat 30% carb. If you need to drop more fat they…
  • Try taking activated charcoal. You can get this at your local pharmacy. Also a non-dairy probiotic supplement like Florajen3. It has acidopphilus, Bifidum & Longum. `5 billion live cultures per capsule. The best probiotic should be kept in a refrigerator and when you buy them they will be in a refrigerator at the pharmacy…
  • Hi, I bought p90x about a month ago and officially started it yesterday. To prepare my body for the intense change in routine I started doing the just the workouts a bit at a time over the past month. That way it wouldn't be a total shock to my body. I also watched dozens of videos on Youtube from people who have started…
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