eclarso Member


  • Thanks for all the info everyone! Very helpful!
  • I would say it's okay to log light exercise like that, but just don't get too carried away with it or use it as an excuse to overeat. Try only eating back 1/3 to 1/2 of your exercise calories. That way you can reward yourself a little bit, but still stay on track for weight loss.
  • You should try Muscle Milk Light (vanilla's my favorite). It's a good source of protein but lower calorie than most other protein powders. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Tempeh--it's a good source of protein for vegetarians, but super high-calorie!
  • I think more people deal with this than you might think. I even know very thin people who have symptoms of a food addiction. it's just such a taboo subject that no on really talks about it. But honestly I think about food all the time, like it's always in the back of my mind. Don't beat yourself up about it too much. Just…
    in Why? Comment by eclarso January 2013
  • Hi and welcome to My Fitness Pal! This is a great resource for losing weight in an easy way!