tao223 Member


  • Dont worry, all you can do is get right back on your bike when you have fallen off right? If you look at my diet journal you will see we all have these moments of lost control and as long as you remember your long term goal and try to keep at it you will reach your goal. It doesnt matter how you get there as long as you…
  • Let me tell you that I work in a chinese restaurant and have gained alot of weight because i would eat so much of the food from there. However! i would eat things like general tso's chicken and honey chicken and alot of the fat things. If you request to have things steamed and not stir fried it will cut out a ton of the…
  • I would suggest eating foods that have a high water content and are not so calorie dense that way you wont be starvng yourself and you will be able to eat more foods and still be under your calorie needs. For example instead of eating a piece of bread with 2tbsp of peanut butter you could eat an apple or some baby carrots…
  • Hey! Welcome to the club :-) I too have had some health scares and have decided i need to lose about 60 pounds as well. If you are interested in some food tips you can look at my food diary. I put everything in there and its based on something that can be really done by everybody. Good luck and dont be too hard on yourself…
  • Dont worry, often times we find that our roller coaster car has become derailed and we need the tech guys ( your mfp friends) to come and help you put your cart on track. As for the EC stack, im sure you learned from your experience and you sharing your story will help not only you but others learn from it. But as for the…
  • Lean Cuisines are pretty delicious. There are so many different kinds that your bound to find one that you like. Many of them are low fat and low in calories. The only downside is that they are high in salt content. However not everyone is affected by too much salt, you know your body best. I recently had a new lean…