The things I do to myself ?!?! (a little vent)

So I have been doing MFP since the second week in November and have lost 12 pounds.

Since the idea of less calories in verse calories out works why do I feel the need to change what works???? I get so impatient with myself I could scream. I started to over obbsess about everything I eat, from calories to the chemicals, that I limit my diet to basic twigs and berries. Then I got the idea to try an EC stack and read and read and read about it, the pro's and con's. My brain told me not to but I did it any how. Always looking for that quick fix. I shut down by food diary to private because I knew it was wrong and I would have supportive MFP friends call me out on it. I was only eating 500 to 700 calories a day and really did not get a good nights sleep. Needless to say that when I figured this is not going to work the rest of my life doing this I quit and had a screaming head ache this weekend and I ate ALOT. Busted Christmas cookies out of the freezer, stopped for pizza (fully loaded pizza) for lunch, found a box of chocolates my husband stashed away for himself and helped myself to that, then when we went out for dinner I polished off the bread basket and had a full serving of the lobster ravioli (which is pretty large).

I really need to find a way that I won't over obsess about my diet and be patient with the loss. Also, finding an enjoyable exercise that I can do consistantly would help.

Thanks for letting me vent and I would welcome any suggestions!! This has been a roller coaster that I have been on for way to long (years!!).


  • tao223
    tao223 Posts: 6 Member
    Dont worry, often times we find that our roller coaster car has become derailed and we need the tech guys ( your mfp friends) to come and help you put your cart on track. As for the EC stack, im sure you learned from your experience and you sharing your story will help not only you but others learn from it. But as for the binging over the weekend, we all need a little break from the strictness that we put ourselves in. Just remember dont worry too much about the details but worry about the outcomes of your choices. If you want to eat that bagel go ahead just remember its 1/3 of your caloric intake or something like that.

    Take a breather and relax and remember that tomorrow is a new day :-)
  • KWSR16
    KWSR16 Posts: 91
    I have been doing the same thing for a while now! You obsess over foods and then find yourself eating close to nothing. Only to then go binge on everything in sight. It totally sucks!

    What I found that works (for me anyways) is The Special K Diet. It sounds really dumb but so far I have lost about 5 pounds in a little under a week! And thats without working out at all the last 4 days. I eat a bowl (2 cups) for breakfast and a bowl (2 cups) for lunch. In between I eat two oranges, or a banana. And I eat a normal dinner. (Ya know something that sounds good, like spaghetti, pizza or something) The thing is with dinner, take whatever you would usually eat, and only eat 3/4. I consider taking 1/2 away too much..cuz then I just get hungry again and go back for seconds. Plus it keeps your "brain full" ya know... My eyes are always bigger than my stomach and after I eat I always regret it. So if you eat a little more than half of a serving you would usually take, its not only pleasing to your stomach but its pleasing to the stomaches in your eyes as well. Its not a quick fix, but its easy. Plus if you like cereal its a win-win!

    One persons method isnt going to be any more right for you than someone else's though. You just have to find something that fits your lifestyle you already have. Trying to completely alter your life with the foods you eat is very hard, and I have found that for me at least it usually leads to failure. I love cereal and I would eat it all day if I could. So find something that you already love, and do some research on eating habits that can include the food you just cant live without.

    So far I think you are doing a fantastic job with keeping your weight off!! Don't let it get you down thats how it wins!!! The more frustrated you get the easier it is for you to break when you see something totally yummy! Oranges are always good, and have very few calories. Plus peeling the orange takes some time and it smells great. Thats why I stick to foods you have to work for :)

    As for workouts. I chose the treadmill or eliptical. But if you are slowly getting into running here is how I always ease myself back into a runners routine. I play my IPOD and for two songs I walk, and a third song I jog..and I repeat that until I have completed so many calories, say 300. And as I build up stamina I lengthen my workouts to one song walking One song running and the third song running during the chorus (usually the faster part) and walking during the rest of the song.

    I hope I helped maybe a little bit. :) Good luck with everything! And if you would like to add me on here feel free its KWSR16
  • dmcohee
    dmcohee Posts: 99 Member
    I don't want to scare you, but you need to be careful...My friend and her husband both went on crazy diets. He went on some kind of diet where he was only eating bars and shakes and she went on a diet where she was only eating about 700 calories a day and little to no fat. Both lost a lot of weight in little time. Once he went off the diet and started eating real food he developed gallstones and needed to have surgery. A few months later she had an eventful weekend and let herself eat anything and everything, and she too ended up with gallstones and needed surgery. Now they BOTH have gained ALL their weight back. I'm sure this was very uncommon for it to happen to both of them, but it's something to think about.

    I am a strong believer that the slow and steady win the race. It's an entire lifestyle change. I think most people that go on crash diets fail in the long run because you're not teaching yourself how to eat/exercise to maintain the weightloss.

    Best wishes.
  • dmcohee
    dmcohee Posts: 99 Member
    I forgot to mention...When I was losing weight I did allow myself times that I would induldge, but I made sure that I worked out enough to eat those extra calories. Even if it meant spending 2 hours in the gym Saturday morning so I could go out for dinner and drinks that night. Then I NEVER felt guilty, I felt good about it because I earned it.
  • Audi68
    Audi68 Posts: 113 Member
    Thanks for all the posts. Normally this is when I quit and throw in the towl. I switch my food diary to public again and am going to brush myself off and get back on the plan that works.

    Sometimes I can be my own worst enemy!!!

    Thanks again!!!!
  • forthefab5
    forthefab5 Posts: 187 Member
    Hey, I totally hear you! I have a bottle of ECA stack that my friend gave me ages ago and every now and then, I look and it and think about whether I should take it... but you're right, it is a quick fix and not something we need in this total lifestyle change that we are striving for. Great job on holding yourself accountable and for making the right choice for you!