ALittleBitLess1 Member


  • Sounds silly but you really just need to not buy it when you go shopping. I have tried 'cutting down' things like this before, and if will power once its in the house is not that good you will just have to not have it in the house. Either that or change the glass you use at meal times for a smaller one, make this your…
  • I just tried that calculator, I am 5ft 2, starting weight of 60kg, it suggested 1589 1st tri, 1789 2nd tri and 1989 3rd tri. This would be about right for me. in pre pregnancy life I put on weight if I eat more than 1500 a day. Incidentally I am 17 weeks now and have put on 10-12lbs not the recommended 5-6lbs, oops!
  • My evening snack is an ice lolly - there are plenty of low cal ones (between 50-100 cal), that way I know how much I am getting. you can get yoghurt lollies too. I would not be able to restrict myself to just one scoop if i had ice cream in the freezer. Take a bit of time to have a look at all the boxes and cals next time…
  • Hi there some days you are under and some days over so you could try meal matching a bit better? plan your meals before you start, so if you know what you are having for lunch you can choose what you NEED to have for dinner - a lower cal lunch and higher cal dinner and vise versa. Also all the boring stuff like switching…
  • What an ace achievement! I have posted your post in another for someone I think may need some extra inspiration!
  • Check this out for inspiration I definately felt like my metabolism did slow down when I gave up smoking, but stick with the exercise and you can keep it up!!!
  • I totally know what you mean, when I first gave up smoking i found I wanted to do something every 15-40 mins like have another cake or packet of crisps. Seriously hard habit to break. have you tried sugar free lolly pops or ice lollies?? Ice lollies are one off my diet saviors I rave about often.There are loads out there…
  • what programme /routine are you following to start lifting?
  • personally I LOVE muscle vests / racer-back tops, think they look great if you have the arms and shoulders to carry them off and it looks like you do in your pic! I find working out/exercising sooo much more comfortable in a little vest than in a t-shirt, much more freedom to move without feeling the neckline and sleeves…
  • thanks! have got a chin up bar now securely fixed in my doorway, but confidence was knocked when it fell down a few weeks ago they had a TRX at my old (very expensive) gym, will check out what they have in the local council gym
  • Anyone any tips for starting to lift heavy with a dodgy back? have had sciatica/recurring bulging disc for 10ish years, have worked on my core quite a bit and lower back and abs much more stable these days, also have quite good arms for a girl. Really wanting to step it up, but do it safely. Not afraid of a bit of pain,…
  • Super cool, am very, very impressed!! what is your routine??
  • simply put - if you increase your muscle mass you will burn more calories and therefore lose fat better, focus on fat loss, not weight loss.
  • Its great that you have got a goal but seriously dont stress about not being able to get there in 3 months, if you make it half way there the difference will still be amazing...:smile:
  • cheers will have a better look. can you get this easily in the uk?
  • there is not much info about the properties of the wrap on there that I can find, thats alot of money to spend on something DIY
  • I am already half way through level 3 30 day shred, but would love to learn more about wraps! what do you use? do you diy or go somewhere?
  • level one for 10 days, level 2 for days and then level 3 for 10 days. The aim is to do it every day for 30 days, but some people plan in 4days on, 1 days off, others weekends off. personally I think its best to just keep going, the first 2-3 days of each level are really tough then it eases off a bit. You don't want it to…
  • I record it as 20 min cardio Gillians website apparently recomends this - Multiply 3.267 x your weight and that is how many calories burned in an hour so divide this by 3 and that is your burn for 20 minutes. Lots of people recommend using a heart rate monitor and there is quite a variation in the results people get.. I…
  • MFP estimates 156cals, lbs x 3.267 calc = 137cals. Must burn more than 137 surely! Am 5ft2, 126lbs & 33yrs. Will keep logging as 156, some I know with similar BMI use a HRM and get over 230!
  • Well done you!! thats soo impressive, inspiration & motivation for us all, thanks for posting :flowerforyou:
  • check out couch to 5k, its a programme to get you running 5k in 9 weeks. Sounds ridiculious?? its not, honest! it starts you off with intervals of walking and running, gradualy incresing the time running (starts at a minute) and decreasing the time walking. check it out!
  • Hey! I have modified some of the more 'jumpy' moves to accomodate my knees and back, some times the inner or outer side of your leg, foot, knee is tighter or stronger than the other side which causes uneven impact or strain. Really would be best to see a physio or podiatrist to get proper answers, they maybe able to give…
  • Okay I ate around 1700 today and burned about 475! It was a bit harder in the morning but I didn't feel overly full. Thank you for all the advice! [/quote] Well done you, that sounds just about right with a bit of wriggle room either way!!
  • have you tried modified push ups against the sofa or even the wall?? -they may feel a bit odd at first - gravity more in your favour the more upright you are - as long as you are working hard it will be working. I was talking to a friend today who is also doing the shred at the moment and she said she was wanting to find…
  • That's cool then, just keep a check on it, its far to easy to get carried away and too focused on one aspect of our lives for some of us.
  • You will just be giving your body the fuel it needs to get around and do its job every day and fuel your workouts so no you will not put on bad fat , but your lean body mass/muscle may increase so a small weight gain on the scale perhaps.
  • this is super low and like it or not is very much disordered eating, if not yet an eating disorder. you are literally running on empty and your body will be using up your hard earned muscle as a source of protein to keep you going. sorry to sound like a miserable so and so but this will result in illness if it carries on.…
  • my diary is not that exciting but feel free to have a look - are you eating 1000 cals or netting 1000 cals