karenplauze Member


  • Thanks.
  • I think the trick for me will be to honestly log the calories. When I log honestly I pass up the chocolate, etc, at the nurse's station. I know that if I pass up the bourbon for three days I can loose 3-4 pounds. I just have to get it into my head, and onto the app.
  • Some of them want to argue the rationality of their religion (because I usually start off my rejection by letting them know I am a scientist and that I depend on reason). They try to tell me that I am atheist because I just don't know enough about my religion. That's when I pull out my Vatican Approved Catechetical Diploma…
  • At 57 I'm too old to waste time with someone my age who still has imaginary friends. I like to think I am relatively intelligent. I would want an intelligent man as a boyfriend. I just cannot deal with the cognitive dissonance that otherwise intelligent people suffer in order to believe all the dogma and other foolishness…
  • I'm 57 and recently increased my single arm Kettlebell snatch weight from 16 to 18 KG (39.7 pounds) at Crossfit class. No one complained, but many complimented.
  • Hi, all. I am a 57 y/o heterosexua female. I am somewhere between Atheist and Agnostic. I am not superstitious and do not attribute everything from creation to my personal accomplishments and failings to the interventions of an imaginary sky god. With that in mind, I decided that I could not, "in good faith" so to speak,…
  • Hi, all. I am a 57 y/o heterosexual femaile. I am somewhere between Atheist and Agnostic. I am not superstitious and do not attribute everything from creation to my personal accomplishments and failings to the interventions of an imaginary sky god. With that in mind, I decided that I could not, "in good faith" so to speak,…
  • Hi, all. I am a 57 y/o heterosexual female. I am somewhere between Atheist and Agnostic. I am not superstitious and do not attribute everything from creation to my personal accomplishments and failings to the interventions of an imaginary sky god. With that in mind, I decided that I could not, "in good faith" so to speak,…