AlexT29 Member


  • I sometimes have a breakfast sandwich in the morning if I'm in a hurry or just want something different. I switched to the low cal ones a few months ago, but when my store didn't have any last week, I grabbed the regular without even thinking about it. I had one the other morning without logging it first - bam! 450…
  • Yah! Congrats! I've only been able to get up to 8 minutes - 14 is a huge accomplishment. And thank you for the video links. I have an appointment to analyze my running form tonight and will start incorporating some of those exercises into my routine.
  • Thank you for the advice and encouragement dragon1ady. My shoes have a good amount of cushion. My husband has similar shoes, has done over 50 miles a week and has no injuries. I also try to stick to grass and gravel. When it's warm, I walk to the park then do loops. When it's cooler (and the rattle snakes are hibernating),…
  • Hi - sorry to cut in on the thread, but looking for some advice. I'm on week 4 of the 5k training. I've been having problems with shin splints, and as the runs get longer, they have been getting worse. My last run was Monday, and after the 5 minute free form, I had to walk home because it hurt so bad. I haven't ran since,…
  • Doin good. :smile: Dealing with shin splints and crazy wind on my runs. Not sure what do about the shins - any suggestions from the runners out there? How are you, Ana?
    in Checking In Comment by AlexT29 May 2013
  • My daily goal is about 1500. It should be a little higher (TDEE-20% and all that) but I found that with a higher amount I was indulging too much. I weigh when I feel like it. This can be once to three times a week. But I don't really care about the number on the scale. I'm more concerned with inches and fitting into my old…
  • WOW! Thank you so much for sharing! Awesome results!
  • Congrats on sticking with it! I'm just getting back into running, and one minute is trying for me - so I think 5 is quite impressive. :happy: My husband is a runner (went to xc nationals a couple times in college), and it is frustrating running with him. I can't keep up with him on his "easy" days. But I just keep in mind…
    in Day 1 Comment by AlexT29 May 2013
  • Hello all! My name is Alex, and I'm 25 and 13 months (25 was a good year - not letting go just yet :wink: ). SW 185 CW 177 GW 160 Height 5' 11" Daily cal goal is 1500 A good relationship and emotional eating has led me to gain almost 30 lbs over the past couple years. I lost 40 lbs in high school and in January I decided…
  • Most of my family has diabetes (one reason why I'm here), and with acceptance and a good diet, he can lead a healthy, normal life. I know it's scary - I remember how I felt when my parents were diagnosed - but both of you can get through this. Good luck.
  • When I realized I had been saying "tomorrow" for years. I don't want to be the fifty year old that is looking forward to retirement so I can sit on my butt and watch tv all day.
  • And here I was blaming it on the crab people...
  • Some restaurants have smaller portion options now. You just have to be firm when the waiter tells you its only $3 more for the full size, and you might want it...:grumble: I know they're just trying to be nice, but it's not helping! Definitely being in between sizes is the most annoying. The larger size practically falls…
  • Congrats to everyone! I love reading these. I'm proud that even though I ate way too much yesterday at a birthday celebration, I'm back on track today. It used to be that something like that would derail me for days. And I can't wait to ride my bike after work!
  • I'm 5'11" and losing very slowly. But I'm more interested in making a long term commitment to my health than starving myself to lose quickly. :smile: Anyone can feel free to add me. To answer the "finding tall men" question - I dated shorter guys before I got married and didn't have a problem with it. My husband is around…
  • "Some people don't show up in their own lives, they go through life never bringing their A game." - (Or something like that...) J Michaels "So much of life is about attitude and how we handle what life throws our way. Life is good - even when a situation appears to be the worst. Stay positive and help make another's life…
  • 25 and been on here since mid-Jan. Happily married, recently moved and got a new job. I've yo yo'ed for several years, but finally figured it was time to get my weight and fitness under control. I'll give support and advice to anyone who needs it. Feel free to add me.
  • I'm 5'11" and have only lost 7 lbs so far, but have lost 6 inches from my waist. I pay more attention to the tape measure than the scale. It has been difficult to see a difference because i wear my weight so well, but I've already gone down a pant size. I do a variety of exercises. Stationary bike, kick boxing, lifting…
  • What an amazing change! Thank you for sharing your story.
  • What, that's not true? Greetings from Idaho... :laugh:
  • I dont really like mcd's- its too greasy and the burger patty doesn't even taste like real beef. If I'm going to have a burger, I'm going to have a real one. BWW's Big Jack Daddy Burger. It's huge, has way too many calories, but is so worth it.
    in McDonalds? Comment by AlexT29 March 2013
  • Thank you for sharing your story. Good luck on your journey.
  • Last time I lost weight, I was 17 and lost 40+ lbs. The girls in school still called me fat, and I started to get a lot of unwanted attention from creepy old men. Not all the responses will be positive, but it's accompanied with feeling better and looking better. I also got a boost of confidence so I was ok with giving…
  • Awesome results! Congrats on sticking with it. I just finished day 4 / wk 1 of Ripped in 30. I don't really like doing the same thing every day, but it will be worth it if I get results like those.
  • You look great! Congrats!
  • I'm in. I'll update with weight tomorow,
  • "You cant get a good workout from following a dvd." Said nay-sayer couldn't finish one round of the DVD workout. "Girls shouldn't lift because they will hurt themselves." From the delivery guys at work. They don't say that anymore since they now realize I can lift more than they can. I love proving them wrong.