

  • Did I say that? I said that our fat *kitten* arnt on that list. Which means that it is probably a contributing factor. I didnt say it was the only factor. Calm down bro. And I dont think you have to tell anyone on this site that calories are what make people fat, we all know that like the back of our hands. The handfuls of…
    in GMOs Comment by ReillyCraig October 2013
  • Monsanto is the worst, with over 30 of their executives in the United states parliament system, they have so many strings to pull they dont have enough puppets. Their "single yield" crops allow for one season of growth and do not produce any seeds due to genetic manipulation. This has caused 600,000+ Farmers in India (and…
    in GMOs Comment by ReillyCraig October 2013
  • We have a winner. 66.8 million Hectares of GM crops in united states. the only close competitor is Brazil with 25 million Hectares. But with Brazils Insanely corrupt (just like the U.S.A) what does that say? Like I say its…
    in GMOs Comment by ReillyCraig October 2013
  • Here's a study I recently found about Hamsters who were given GMO soy milk as opposed to their regular nutritional GMO free diet. After a few generations, they were unable to produce babies. I stay away from GMOs as much as I possibly can. I…
    in GMOs Comment by ReillyCraig October 2013
  • I realized I spent the last 5 years of my life doing little but playing video games and relaxing without any wonder or care for my body. Once I began meditation and self reflection my life snapped out of its pattern and I feel as if I began a second life, not just figuratively.
  • YOLK!@ Most of the nutrition and micro-nutrients are found IN the yolk. I eat 12 WHOLE eggs a day every day, some days even more. They are a FANTASTIC source of fat and protein (and don't be scared of the word fat if you have any knowledge on nutrition). Always go for the yolk unless your doctor strongly reccomends that…
  • Buy tools to exercise grip and hand strength, IronMind has a lot of awesome products, and hand/forearm strength can be done at almost any job. Other than that, make sure you bring LOTS of water with you to work so you never sip on anything sugary or fake. Plus everyone needs their water, I mean were only made of it, right?…
  • The food part comes withing time using MFP ;D and as for that lazy bug, it's #1 predecessor is fun exercises! find something you enjoy which burns calories without burning your inspiration. For example I keep my Cardio To Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Nunchucking / Interval Running, because I could never get tired of any of…
  • Oh and for "Do/Take" Try not to get into creatine or pre workout supplements if you can, I always prefer to go natural and get energy from your food rather than expensive powder. And The main thing you should try and take is Vitamins, multivitamins if you don't have much time or money to go out shopping for another monthly…
  • That sounds like a great routine, and having your whey after your workout is definitely the way to go. As for the routine it sounds like the same basics of mine (only Dumbbell and Mat work exercises) since I can't go to gyms daily either, plus working out at home has it's benefits in my opinion. The only other tips I could…
  • All about your bone structure and genetics, so unfortunately no.. Keep reaching for the stars though!
  • Anyone is welcome to add me as well, doesn't matter who just as long as you track daily ;D
  • Do you know why Kael is so hard to find in grocery stores? I might have to resort to growing some this spring. Bummer, because that plant is too healthy to be true
  • 250 ml 2% milk 2-4 tbs of flaxseeds 1 whole medium or large Banana 1 Scoop of Whey protein (try and stay away from soy and egg) of your flavour choice Handful of frozen or fresh fruits (fresh if you can, but frozen are a bargain buster) no measurements, use however many you like :) Optional: 50-100g of low fat or Greek…
  • It's amazing how we don't realize the garbage we are putting in ourselves until we force ourselves to stop. It's not right so many addictive non natural drinks can be sold to a mass populous that isn't aware what their doing.
  • Awesome! I used to guzzle multiple cans daily then went cold turkey and stuck with water for the first time ( I used to hate the "taste" of water) , and now I can't Stand going back for a soda. Now it's water everywhere anytime and t he effects of it are outstanding