astylla Member


  • I was able to fit into a size 24 shorts and new jeans today at Macy's that I actually LOVE. I also noticed my profile no longer has the "fake baby bumo" as I call it - basically always had the bump that stuck out beyond my pants causing me to look pregnant in my profile. It's now basically non existent and my confidence…
  • Cheat days don't work for me because all I will do is try to justify why that one day can turn into many. Instead I don't completely deprive myself. I have things I love , but in moderation or in different options. Instead of traditional pizza , I'll opt to go to a nicer sit down place order a flatbread with veggies and…
  • 5'2 36 year old Female SW : 311 lbs CW : 295.2 lbs GW : 150 lbs Currently only 28 days in but feeling amazing and all my clothes fit better already :)
  • Initially giving up sugar was hard but now more than three weeks later I don't find myself craving it at all. I still have an occasional treat with sugar but it's not my first instinct. I had to cut out almost all bread because I don't like how heavy white starch makes me feel. I don't think you need to cut out everything…
  • I love bread..but for me it doesn't process well and makes me feel heavy. The same is true with most white carbs like rice , wheat based pasta, white potatoes. But that doesn't mean that any of those foods are "bad" , but they don't make me feel good so I choose not to eat them except in very small moderation. Anything can…
  • I lost about 18 lbs last year before I let myself back into bad habits. I've been back on MFP for 18 days now and some days I let my carbs go a bit high to 150+ then remembered..I did so well keeping under 100 most days that I tailored my goals. I did that about a week ago and have noticed the pounds are melting off and…
  • Another PCOS girl here and battling it for most of my adult years without understanding of it. I am glad to see there are others able to be supportive and also a group too , I need to look into that! It's not something that is easy and so many who don't suffer through it don't know the challenge of how it can hinder weight…
  • Congrats great job !! Everyone notices it at different times. I was able to notice on my body pretty quickly. MY profile pic shows me at my highest and me earlier this week at 299 in the same dress. My friends all commented how I wasn't crazy but I also have been workout pretty hard 7 days a week so that could influence my…
  • I prefer Trader Joe Organic Nonfat Plain Greek Style yogurt. I use it in smoothies , on it's own with a small bit of honey and fresh berries and sometimes add unsalted sunflower seeds too ! It's very versatile and I love it on it's own. I have tried others but haven't found anything I like as much personally. As I…
  • Wow what an amazing job and transformation for you !! Great work !!
  • Thank you all for your wonderful comments :) I have been doing minimum 30-35 circuit training type cardio and many days pairing that with a mile or more walk/part jog. My favorite videos on YouTube are : Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout and Jillian Michaels Banish Fat/Boost Metabolism. Due to surgeries I am unable to do…
  • I just don't think these types of plans work long term. We all have such different needs depending on health history , age , pre-existing possible conditions , vegetarian/vegan/gluten free , etc. I have so many FB friends who try to peddle this onto me and others and hey if you feel better and get results - that's great -…
  • 4 Eggslands Best Egg whites (separated myself/not liquid) 1 oz diced organic red pepper 1oz sliced organic mushrooms 1 tsp butter ( to cook with) 1 tsp olive oil ( sauteed veggies in) 1/4 tsp red pepper flakes 1/4 tsp Celtic Sea Salt 1/4 tsp cracked ground pepper 1 tbsp. fresh organic chives 1 cup Trader Joe's Nonfat Greek…
  • I did not state that fault. I meant the fat is higher than margarine/sprays that were being debated, Sorry about that.
  • Feel free to add me anyone - I am just getting back on track with a long term goal ahead and welcome any positive support.
  • I was a huge fan of country crock/I can't believe it's not butter spray , etc for years. Then I started to think about what I was getting as a tradeoff for those lack of calories. My mom had always used butter and I started to wonder why I didn't. In cooking I typically use a good brand olive oil - and account for EVERY…
  • This was my lunch today : 1 cup ground turkey with taco seasoning ( drained) 1/4 cup Sargento Natural Cheddar Cheese 4 stalks steamed organic broccolini ( seasoned with olive oil,lemon juice,garlic, honey) Water with lemon juice Total :418 calories
  • It really depends on your personal dietary needs. I have PCOS so refined carbs/sugars are bad for me and to remain at a good energy level and fitness I need to stay at about 100g a day. With that said I do allow myself good carbs such as black beans and ones with good proeteins as well but stay away from pastas , rice ,…
  • Breakfast today : Eggslands Best eggs , red pepper , diced avocado , diced tomatoes , sprinkling of sharp cheddar and chives.
  • I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who took the time to comment ! I realize this is a high loss for the first month and do not expect such results to continue and am aiming for 1 - 2 lbs MAX weekly to keep it off with my lifestyle changes. Thanks for all the support !
  • What a great job !! Congrats to you !!
  • This is a fantastic article and I couldn't agree more. Thank you so much for sharing this !
  • I agree with the above statements ! I am doing 5 days a week at the gym - mostly treadmill uphill walking paired with strength training reps and have been doing the 30 day shred video for 4 days now. I have been eating well and was beginning to feel frustrated with myself because my weight number has not been going down as…
  • I don't understand..if this is not hurting you or you don't wish to enjoy such..why complain why not just pass by the post. To each their own you know.. I for one am THANKFUL for the different options and personally love my cauliflower pizza crust among other variations. I do allow myself to indulge however I prefer to…
  • I agree with not having them in the house. When I started taking my health seriously the items are there and there will always be a reason to choose them - but I choose NOT to. I stock fruits and veggies. If i want a special snack I choose low calorie options. I am a sugar addict so I have to keep that away..we all have…
  • Your success is great..I just think you should be at the center of it since you did the work /shrug
  • Your hard work has proven itself and you should be very proud. Congrats you look fantastic !
  • I did day 3 of the 30 day shred even though I had a long day and went to the gym for 45 mins on the treadmill and weights. We went out for dinner and I got a grilled chicken sandwich with no cheese and no mayo and no fries and chose the fruit salad instead.