

  • Hi! I am doing the C25K program to get ready for a 5K in May (Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure). I started over with Week 1 and will be doing day 3 tonight. I took a week off last week. I'm doing my own 5 minute warm up at home. Then I do the total 25 minutes as a walk/jog instead of only 20 minutes. At home I have been…
  • Thanks for the feedback! I love The Biggest Loser show and have watched every season! It's neat how they started this season at the beginning of the year ... did they do that on purpose to go in conjunction with people's plans to get in shape (a.k.a. New Year's Resolutions <--- BTW, I do not do resolutions, I set goals.…
  • Serenifly .... thank you for your tip on shin splints! I'm training to run a 5k (my first ever long run since high school, PLUS, I'm back to jogging -- haven't done that since early 2008). The 5k is a motivation and a good cause to run in ... it's to support the Susan G. Komen foundation! :) Anyway, I just wanted to say…
  • For breakfast (except this morning because I just had a fiber bar and went back to bed -- waaaay tired) .... I have 1/4 cup of Egg Beaters, 1 slice of American 2% cheese, 1/4 cup of salsa (or 1 roma tomato), 1 tbsp of light Daisy sour cream on a Missions corn tortilla. I should have just made breakfast because when I went…
  • My husband and I were trying to figure out how to calculator homemade dishes. I did a quick search for a recipe calculator and came across a recipe calculator at sparks people ( You can enter in the total ingredients from a recipe for the whole dish and then break it…