

  • Never force yourself to eat if you are not hungry. As long as you are not getting the starvation mode warning every day, you're okay. Your body will not go into starvation mode just because you were a few calories short one day. Remember, your body will tell you if you need to eat, and if you pay attention to it, what you…
  • Swedish Fish might also work for one fish two fish, since they are different colors.
  • If you want to start getting serious regarding coupons, think about using an online coupon clipping service. Using coupons last month that I bought and clipped from the paper I saved nearly $500 and have amassed quite the stockpile of canned / boxed goods and also hygiene products. My top pick is www.couponcarryout.com Try…
  • You can do anything if you put your mind to it. Don't focus on your mile times, just work towards increasing your mileage. Be sure to pay close attention to aches and pains, as your body will be getting quite punished over the coming weeks. I recommend the Encyclopedia of Running, from Runner's World. There are some great…
  • Shoveling snow is in the database. Try that!
  • Turbo Fire is the sequel to Turbo Jam. I love Turbo Jam! It combines punching and kicking with dance. It builds on itself, so you learn one new move at a time. The Turbo Jam Fat Burner workout is 30 minutes long, but it is intense! Great for sneaking in a quick workout. The music is really good and very motivating. The…
  • Peanut and bananas are super foods for runners because they jam pack in vital nutrition that we need. Here is a link to an article that explains why. If I'm not mistaken, they are also listed in the top 10 superfoods in Runner's World - Encyclopedia of Running. If you haven't purchased that book, I would recommend it.…
  • If you enter your actual reps into the strength training portion, it will calculate it for you. If not, enter strength training in the cardio exercise section and enter the total number of minutes you were actively working.
  • I'm game! It isn't so much that I want the Bears to win, as I love to see the Packers lose!!!