Should I eat again today?

I have only eaten 1095 calories today from my recommended 1260(and its 9:30pm),however I ate a lot of junk today and don't feel too happy about it. But of course when I click complete food diary it gives me the "starvation mode" warning!
Should I try to have one more small healthy snack today,or just leave it where it is?


  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I personally would eat a little more, because even if you ate all junk, you can still lose weight. It's not the way to keep your body healthy, but neither is severely cutting calories. So I wouldn't give yourself a double dose of bad choices. I would have a small snack to get your cals up and just move to tomorrow where you can make good choices the whole day.
  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
    agreed..i would eat a bit more.. just eat something better than just junk
  • only1kjewell
    only1kjewell Posts: 5 Member
    Eat something with a good amount of protien...
  • Never force yourself to eat if you are not hungry. As long as you are not getting the starvation mode warning every day, you're okay. Your body will not go into starvation mode just because you were a few calories short one day. Remember, your body will tell you if you need to eat, and if you pay attention to it, what you need (protein, carbs, etc). If your body is telling you "No more!", then listen.
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    Personally, I can't eat if I'm not hungry. But if you ate junk all day, you may want to eat a little of something nutritious, so that your body feels a little better tomorrow.
  • tinasullens
    tinasullens Posts: 203 Member
    Personally, if you normally eat within your calorie range and you aren't starving - then I wouldn't worry about it. I'm not sure what you chose to do, but you weren't that much under. Unless you burned a lot during exercise...or was that your net calories for the day? If you are going to bed soon after 9:30 at night, I wouldn't do much more than having a cup of hot tea. Just try to keep your calories at or above the recommended daily amount and try not to go below 1200 calories very often at all. Starvation mode won't set in immediately - it adds up over time. So don't make it a habit and you should be ok.
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    It depends. If you are under 1200 calories every day, then I would snack on something healthy to get your calories up. If you eat your budgeted calories and this is a rare occurance, then I wouldn't worry about it.