hannahpalindrome623 Member


  • I'm not sure how your goals are set, but I've updated mine a couple times since I started in January (11 lbs lost so far - goal set to lose a 1/2-lb. a week). Unless your goal is already at the bare minimum calorie-wise, there might be room to slightly reduce your calories (my original recommended intake was 1460; now that…
  • Yoga for Beginners with Barbara Benagh - This DVD will give you a lot of bang for your buck. It has a great range of sessions and teaches you alot of poses. The segments for when you're just starting out range from 15/20 minutes to 30 minutes and can be combined if you want to practice for a longer amount of time (i think…
  • Good morning! I'd say digital. The "original" kind can get wonky over time because the springs inside it can get too loose or too tight (many can be adjusted, but then it might not be accurate). You can usually find a decent digital scale for $25ish. I have a very basic one that replaced an old-school scale. It doesn't do…
  • Another way to help get more fruits/veggies is to do the prep ahead of time. If it's washed and cut and waiting in the frige, it's alot easier to grab. For apples, I slice them up, put some lemon juice on them to prevent browning, and put them in baggies in the frige. I cut up a couple huge apples at a time and split them…
  • Ok -that seriously IS the coolest palindrome ever. And cranberrycat - you're right! The extra lbs. really DID sneak up on me, until I weighed about as much as my husband, felt miserable and had to go up a couple pants sizes. I've done little things here and there since then to drop a few pounds (walking the dog, cutting…