

  • 1st of all I was responding to a post to someone to help someone out with a question they had out of being nice, cause I love helping people that is why I chose my career 2. I am perfectly able to help people with weight loss as it is a big part of what I do (just not my main focus) and plenty of my patients have been…
  • Skipping a me that would be anytime you are awake and you wait over 4 -5 hours to eat AND unless you have a medical condition that would effect you skipping meals (like diabetes) than do whatever main focus as a dietitian is diabetes and dialysis nutrition so my main CEUs are focused on that and I'm way…
  • My main focus in my career as a dietitian,has been on dialysis nutrition AND diabetes education, so I really keep up to date with new information on those topics more than anything. It is good to learn new thing in areas that I haven't focused on in a while. So thanks for fueling me to look at those more up to date things…
  • I was orginally taught that eatting more frequently does help you to lose weight and help with burning energy, however I did some more research and found what you were talking about as far as for weight loss in itself to be true in some of the studies (calories in calories out); however eatting frequently does help with…
  • I do agree in some cases that if you skip a meal that it may help you with weight loss yes, however ONLY IF you are staying within your calorie range; but a lot of people end up eatting a lot more and potentially out of their calorie range if they do because they end up hungrier. This weight loss technique may not be good…
  • GOOD LUCK finding a registered dietitian that will tell you that skipping breakfast is healthy! LOL. That is hilarious that is all. :noway:
  • Clearly you want to argue bringing out the studies If I wanted I could go back and tell you about peer reviewed studies on the people that lost more weight that ate breakfast versus the ones that did not, but I am not wasting my time and energy no longer on this, like I said I have no reason to prove anything to anyone…
  • That's okay if you all don't want to agree with me...I'm not here to argue. I enjoy helping people that's why I chose what I do in my career and I was just being kind and giving advice. I don't need to prove myself to anyone on here. If you don't agree with me that is perfectly fine, this is not a what you want…
  • From experience, being a Registered Dietitian, I have seen MANY people that skip meals and staying under their estimated calorie limit and they ARE NOT losing weight AND from calorie standpoint they clearly should losing weight. The problem is the lack of frequency in eating throughout the day. When you eat more frequently…
  • Breakfast is the most important meal of the are hungrier earlier cause your metabolism is getting in gear and your body wants more food. If you feel hungry before lunch have a snack like an apple and 1 tbsp. peanutbutter, a granola bar, cheese stick, When you eat more frequently, your bodys metabolism…
  • I wouldn't! That's like a pound and a half!!! (3500 calories is a pound)
  • My recommendation is to try to lose 1 lb a week; that will give you a little more to work with and exercise 30 minutes most days to help accelerate weight loss. Recalculate it for 1 lb and it should give you a higher lcalorie evel. They recommended my calories to be at 1200 as well, but that is way to low for me to…
  • :happy: Great Job!!! You definately worked hard!