

  • I started the shred a little over a week ago. I have to take breaks from it though. On my off days I Zumba. I can't handle listening to Jillian or that music everyday. It's a great workout, though. Congrats on your loss!
  • Thanks! I still can't figure out how to post the pictures...urg, this is so frustrating!
  • You look awesome! You'll be skydiving in no time!:smile:
  • I had the sleeve 3 weeks ago, too! I'm supposed to be on soft foods, but I'm not tolerating them too well, so I'm sticking with the puree more on the liquidy side. Reflux is pretty sucky though. If you can't eat the meat whole like that, I suggest putting it in the blender. It's a lot easier on your new stomach. You're…
  • You're not alone. We all have this cross to bear. It's a hard road, and some days suck more than others, but I'm here if you wanna talk, or if you need support. Add me as a friend! Good luck!
  • Thanks guys for the support and for the telling me like it is. I have to disagree with some; I am ready to have this surgery. I've worked my butt off for the last 7 months, learning how to build a different relationship with food. I am in therapy and an amazing family so yes, I have a good support system :) I'm just having…
  • I think I would eat a Cheeseburger Sub, fries, and a slice of pizza, followed by Reece's Piece's Sundae, and a piece of red velvet cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory. Man, I just made myself hungry!
  • Congrats on the weight loss! Look forward to talking to you. I'm only a mouse click away!
  • Welcome. Good luck! If you need anything, I'm just a click away!:smile:
  • I didn't know there was a sleeve thread either! I just posted because I was looking for some info on the surgery! I'm scheduled to have my surgery on February 10th and I'm just looking for some real life info on what to expect in terms of recovery, pain, the ability to keep anything down. I'm a little nervous because I…
  • I just told my friend today, we didn't put it on in a week, it's not going to come off that fast either. The important thing is not to give up. Good luck!
  • I always have calories left over. The only time I eat my extra exercise calories is if I'm having a really hungry day (or a I can't stop grazing on everything because I need a cigarette) day. Years ago when I was on Weight Watchers, they told us to bank our exercise calories and then we could treat ourselves once a week. I…
  • Thanks everyone! Quitting smoking after a pack a day for 14 years was easier than I thought. My doctor won't do the gastric sleeve surgery if I'm still smoking. I want this surgery, this jumpstart on getting my life back, more than I want a cigarette. But, it's with being on a restrictive diet, and not smoking...I don't…