Laparoscopic Gastric Sleeve Surgery



  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Exactly what I was thinking,
    If you can lose 42lbs without surgery there really is no reason to have surgery as it shows you can do it without.

    I thought about surgery a few times before I started losing weight but am SOOO glad I didn't go for any of it, it feels amazing knowing i've lost weight (92lbs) without going down the surgery or medication routes, learning to eat better and exercise more is the way to do it!
    BULL****. We've all lost weight before. Some of us many, many times. But we gain it back. 95-99% of us gain it back every time. Because learning to eat better and exercise more isn't enough if your body is full of ghrelin and you are hungry all the time.

    The reason to have surgery is to get hunger control so we DON'T GAIN IT BACK.

    Maybe you will be one of the 1-5% of people who can lose 50 pounds or more and keep it off. If so :flowerforyou:. But until you do, you have no credibility.
  • bluemagic33
    bluemagic33 Posts: 284 Member
    I wish you well on your continued success and hope you have continued health throughout your journey.
  • FK1983
    FK1983 Posts: 186 Member
    Exactly what I was thinking,
    If you can lose 42lbs without surgery there really is no reason to have surgery as it shows you can do it without.

    I thought about surgery a few times before I started losing weight but am SOOO glad I didn't go for any of it, it feels amazing knowing i've lost weight (92lbs) without going down the surgery or medication routes, learning to eat better and exercise more is the way to do it!
    BULL****. We've all lost weight before. Some of us many, many times. But we gain it back. 95-99% of us gain it back every time.
    I stopped reading right there lol......
  • shannygoat
    I didn't know there was a sleeve thread either! I just posted because I was looking for some info on the surgery!

    I'm scheduled to have my surgery on February 10th and I'm just looking for some real life info on what to expect in terms of recovery, pain, the ability to keep anything down. I'm a little nervous because I dont' know who I'm supposed to get all that protein in. I can't stomach the shakes now, and after the surgery I have to drink them. I'm thinking I'll have to do the unflavored one and add it to applesauce or something.

    I'm going to make this work, no matter what. I'm ready to start this next chapter in my life!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I stopped reading right there lol......
    Thus proving you are not only ignorant, but willfully so.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I can't stomach the shakes now, and after the surgery I have to drink them.
    Most peoples tastes change after surgery. So don't worry about finding a shake you like now.

    Also, there are probably 50 different brands of protein shakes that are appropriate for bariatric patients. So just keep trying. (After surgery anyway. :laugh:) There are a lot of brands that you can only get online as well as stuff you can only get at Costco.

    What I did before my surgery was order about 40 samples from She will send you a sample of every protein powder she sells for $2 each even if that company doesn't normally make samples. You can also get samples from Nectar, Chike Nutrition and a few other places. With the samples, if you don't like one, just throw it out and try another. You aren't out a lot of money like you are when you buy a big tub. Jay Rob and Unjury also make single serving packets you can get so you can try it out first.

    Also, if you buy from places like GNC and Vitamin Shoppe, they will take back an opened tub if you try it and don't like it.

    Immediately pre-op, Isopure saved me. I can't stand it now, but it worked then. Now I like Chike and Whey Gourmet PB and Chocolate (haven't tried any of their other flavors). I also drink a lot of Healthsmart Protein Hot Chocolate. It's only 15g of protein, but every little bit helps.
  • plt55
    plt55 Posts: 111 Member
  • Katz85340
    Katz85340 Posts: 206 Member
    Thanks for all your advice. I've seen the doc since my last update and they said it was normal to plateau a bit after going to solids. I'm losing weight again and hoping to reach my next goal of 200 lbs. by tomorrow. That will put me at a total weight loss of 68 lbs. (42 pre-surgery and 26 post-surgery). The pain has gone away but they said if it continues, it could be a hernia. I hope the pain stays away. ;) You are all so amazing! Having this surgery is the best thing I've ever done!

    I am just curious as to why you had the surgery done if you had already lost 42lbs on your own?
    Exactly what I was thinking,
    If you can lose 42lbs without surgery there really is no reason to have surgery as it shows you can do it without.

    I thought about surgery a few times before I started losing weight but am SOOO glad I didn't go for any of it, it feels amazing knowing i've lost weight (92lbs) without going down the surgery or medication routes, learning to eat better and exercise more is the way to do it!

    That's great! I wish I could have done it on my own, and for some of it I did. I've lost over 40 on my own before but gained it all back. I didn't want to do that again, so I opted for the sleeve. ;)
  • Katz85340
    Katz85340 Posts: 206 Member
    Hey, I didn't know there was a sleeve thread!

    I had my sleeve about 2.5 years ago and I love it.

    As for no liquid protein, I hate that recommendation. I think it's dumb. I have a protein shake every morning for breakfast and it works great for me. Now, it doesn't work well for everyone, but it's one thing for a program to say "if you do this, watch out for that" vs. just saying no one can do it because it doesn't work for everyone.

    The things to watch out for with liquid protein are:

    Some people don't get full enough on the shakes so they are hungry right after. But I take an hour to finish mine and make it rather thick with ice and I don't have that problem. The great thing about starting every day with a shake is that I've gotten in 16 oz. of fluid and 42-44 g of protein by 10 am. On days the blender is dirty and I don't have a shake, I find it much harder to get in my protein and my fluids.

    Some people drink protein drinks instead of water and that causes them to get too many calories in a day. The body doesn't regulate liquid calories as well as a solid ones.

    But, I feel like, if you track your food, and you are not going over your calories and you aren't overly hungry, what does it matter whether your protein comes from a shake or food?

    I also think that the protein recommendations that a lot of groups have are too low. When we're first out of surgery, we're on a limited calorie diet *and* we're healing, and both of those mean our protein requirements are greater than the average bear. My program (and a lot of programs) recommends 70-90 during the losing phase and to really limit carbs. They've found that patients who do that tend to lose better than the ones that don't.

    I'm so glad you found the sleeve thread! It would be nice to get others input on their progress! Spread the word!
  • Katz85340
    Katz85340 Posts: 206 Member
    Exactly what I was thinking,
    If you can lose 42lbs without surgery there really is no reason to have surgery as it shows you can do it without.

    I thought about surgery a few times before I started losing weight but am SOOO glad I didn't go for any of it, it feels amazing knowing i've lost weight (92lbs) without going down the surgery or medication routes, learning to eat better and exercise more is the way to do it!
    BULL****. We've all lost weight before. Some of us many, many times. But we gain it back. 95-99% of us gain it back every time. Because learning to eat better and exercise more isn't enough if your body is full of ghrelin and you are hungry all the time.

    The reason to have surgery is to get hunger control so we DON'T GAIN IT BACK.

    Maybe you will be one of the 1-5% of people who can lose 50 pounds or more and keep it off. If so :flowerforyou:. But until you do, you have no credibility.

    I happy to have everyone's input... I'm glad to know some people can do it on their own. I just couldn't knowing I'd failed before. Couldn't trust myself.
  • Katz85340
    Katz85340 Posts: 206 Member
    I wish you well on your continued success and hope you have continued health throughout your journey.

    Thank you! You also!
  • Katz85340
    Katz85340 Posts: 206 Member
    I didn't know there was a sleeve thread either! I just posted because I was looking for some info on the surgery!

    I'm scheduled to have my surgery on February 10th and I'm just looking for some real life info on what to expect in terms of recovery, pain, the ability to keep anything down. I'm a little nervous because I dont' know who I'm supposed to get all that protein in. I can't stomach the shakes now, and after the surgery I have to drink them. I'm thinking I'll have to do the unflavored one and add it to applesauce or something.

    I'm going to make this work, no matter what. I'm ready to start this next chapter in my life!

    I'm glad you found the thread. Please, if you do anything at all, research the surgery first and always, always follow 'your' physicians orders. I found these things to be the most valuable before and after surgery. You will hear many different things but everyone is different. You have to listen to your physician.

    You will not be hungry (maybe thirsty) after surgery the first couple days. Drink slowly and drink what they tell you 'only'! Do not add anything to your shakes! Believe me, the shakes will be enough in the beginning. You will hurt if you do otherwise.
  • Katz85340
    Katz85340 Posts: 206 Member
    I stopped reading right there lol......
    Thus proving you are not only ignorant, but willfully so.

    Please lets be kind to each other...;)
  • Katz85340
    Katz85340 Posts: 206 Member
    I can't stomach the shakes now, and after the surgery I have to drink them.
    Most peoples tastes change after surgery. So don't worry about finding a shake you like now.

    Also, there are probably 50 different brands of protein shakes that are appropriate for bariatric patients. So just keep trying. (After surgery anyway. :laugh:) There are a lot of brands that you can only get online as well as stuff you can only get at Costco.

    What I did before my surgery was order about 40 samples from She will send you a sample of every protein powder she sells for $2 each even if that company doesn't normally make samples. You can also get samples from Nectar, Chike Nutrition and a few other places. With the samples, if you don't like one, just throw it out and try another. You aren't out a lot of money like you are when you buy a big tub. Jay Rob and Unjury also make single serving packets you can get so you can try it out first.

    Also, if you buy from places like GNC and Vitamin Shoppe, they will take back an opened tub if you try it and don't like it.

    Immediately pre-op, Isopure saved me. I can't stand it now, but it worked then. Now I like Chike and Whey Gourmet PB and Chocolate (haven't tried any of their other flavors). I also drink a lot of Healthsmart Protein Hot Chocolate. It's only 15g of protein, but every little bit helps.

    Post surgery my physician had me on Glucerna for two weeks. Now I use Boost High Protein as a supplement...usually only about 2 oz. since they are high in calories. ;)
  • FK1983
    FK1983 Posts: 186 Member
    I stopped reading right there lol......
    Thus proving you are not only ignorant, but willfully so.
    Not at all but considering I have lost pretty much the same amount of weight as you WITHOUT resorting to extreme (and risky) surgery I think it says a LOT.

    I'm not arrogant at all, all I was saying is if you can lose over 40lbs without surgery I see no reason why ANY doctor would even offer an operation (I know in the UK they wouldn't on the NHS if you are able to lose that much weight yourself), I was only asking what most readers of this thread was thinking!

    I know it can be VERY difficult to keep the weight off once you have lost it but actually losing it was the hardest part surely?
  • FK1983
    FK1983 Posts: 186 Member
    oops, double post...
  • priskar
    priskar Posts: 156
    I can't speak for everyone here but, for myself, I've lost over 100 lbs more than once. Until I reached my post-menopausal 50's, losing weight was easy - keeping it off was impossible. Even with exercise and 1100 cals (as my physicians instructed) the weight gradually came back PLUS some.

    WLS was my best choice for losing my weight AND maintaining. Its not for everyone and apparently it's something you don't need or approve of. That doesn't mean it isn't the best "tool" out there for some of us who now have trouble losing and/or maintaining a certain weight.

    Sometimes it's better to walk a mile in someone else's shoes than to criticize their choices.
  • Katz85340
    Katz85340 Posts: 206 Member
    I can't speak for everyone here but, for myself, I've lost over 100 lbs more than once. Until I reached my post-menopausal 50's, losing weight was easy - keeping it off was impossible. Even with exercise and 1100 cals (as my physicians instructed) the weight gradually came back PLUS some.

    WLS was my best choice for losing my weight AND maintaining. Its not for everyone and apparently it's something you don't need or approve of. That doesn't mean it isn't the best "tool" out there for some of us who now have trouble losing and/or maintaining a certain weight.

    Sometimes it's better to walk a mile in someone else's shoes than to criticize their choices.

    Well said! I forgot all about the age thing! I'm gonna be 51 in a couple weeks and I can tell you, once you hit your 30s, it's harder to lose weight and keep it off as you get older! Thanks for posting this!
  • valj77
    valj77 Posts: 26
    hi all
    i had a lap band done in march 2008, in 2010 developed a slip and was revised to a sleeve. i was nervous about getting the sleeve at first, but i love it now. i started out at 254 when i was banded and was at 183 when i got the sleeve and today im at 150 lbs. i was glad to find this thread
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    I had a VSG on 1/19/10. It's the best decision I ever made. I chronicled the first 9 months or so post op on my blog.

    As for people that want to give WLS patients a hard time, they need to rethink why they are on this website or any other. There are many paths to weight loss, everyone needs to make their own decision and choose what's best for them and if you don't like their choice...well, tough beans. I don't let other people tell me how to style my hair, what clothes to wear or how to raise my kids so why would I let a stranger on a chat board denigrate my choice to have WLS based on their prejudices?

    Like someone before said, let's just be nice, please. That's what makes this site so great.