

  • I wholeheartedly disagree with this. Sugar causes insulin to be released quickly into the bloodstream. Insulin release promotes fat storage, thus weight gain. Sugar causes tooth decay. Sugar interferes with neurological processes - causes sleepiness, decreased short term memory and impairment of brain's ability to solve…
  • Weaning off of sugar is such a daunting challenge at first. More afternoons than not, I found myself counting up all my change lying around my office to see if I had enough to get an afternoon snack - which invariably was something horrid like reese's pieces. HaHa. However, I have been really strict with myself for a…
  • Wow it's so great to find this thread. I'm starting off about 50 pounds heavier than my "usual" adult weight. It just snuck up on me. It's great to see how much progress so many of you have made. Feel free to add me too, in the 5'9 club!
  • Wow thanks for all the feedback. Just in response to Vmax1992, I guess it matters if it compels someone to eat more. I find that I really like to stick to my daily calorie intake allowance (1200). So if I go to the gym and log it in and find out I burned 600 cals, I may very well eat those cals back LOL. It's one of my…
  • Hi Thanks for adding me! I appreciate it and am glad to be your friend on here! Yes, I have been fastidious about logging everything in. I have been exercising and everything. I've lost 6 pounds in the last 2 weeks or so. So not too bad but no weight loss in almost a week, which discouraged me and I ended up eating a…