Xapis85 Member


  • I'm 5'7 too and interested to see. I've lost 28lbs (hopefully 30lb by tomorrow's weekly weigh in!) and don't think I've actually dropped a dress size yet! Frustrated! Well, I suppose I have sort of... I had gone up into UK size 20, and am definitely finding those hanging off me now, so I'm back into UK 18. But that's where…
  • Well done - great progress! Great to read too, since I am same height and same SW and size. I'm only down 23lb so far but it's coming off at a steady 2lb a week and I'm hoping to do as well as you :) Thanks for the inspiration!
  • Living in Udine - over the other side. I used to live in Trento (2006/7), then Brescia (2009-10) and Udine since then, but hoping to move to Verona in Sept!
  • I'm from Somerset...currently living in Italy, but still UK at heart :)
  • Thanks so much for all your replies - really helpful! I'm really determined to do as much as I can, so I got out of work for a 25 minute brisk walk this afternoon as well. Feeling good but a long long way to go, and I'm worried about keeping it up! I'm on the 7th floor of 7, so no higher to go with that... but I'll…