What exercises to do on 7th floor!

Hi all,

I've got a lot of weight to lose and have been doing well on a healthy eating plan, but am struggling with the exercise side. I started taking the stairs instead of the lift (I live on the 7th floor, 146 steps) and walking as much as possible, but I know I need to do more.

The hours I work don't unfortunately allow me to get to a swimming pool (swimming is my preferred exercise) or gym and besides I feel really self conscious about going running or anything else in public. I don't have a bike. I am living abroad temporarily so can't really invest in any equipment. The other problem is that living on the 7th floor we have problems with the neighbours below us if we make any noise, so doing jumping jacks etc is out of the question! It feels like everything is conspiring against me.

I just tried Level One of the 30 day shred, but obviously I had to heavily modify it (not doing any of the jumping exercises) - I kept moving throughout, doing the arm motions and just lifting my legs in the same motion as the exercises but not as vigorously, and I did the rest of it. I felt like I had had a really good workout even doing that. Do you think it's worth keeping on doing that even if it's obviously not going to have all the benefits of doing it properly?

Any other tips or suggestions?
Thanks guys!


  • livelifenow91
    livelifenow91 Posts: 300 Member
    I did the 30 Day Shred and saw great results. Like you, I live on a higher floor with neighbors that hate it when i make any noise. I continued to do strength type training in order to keep moving and that did me well! I'd do pushups, planks, kickboxing type cardio is also good for that portion, like the punching - especially if you hold weights while doing it. Or you can do some of the modified moves that involve less jumping. As long as you keep moving it will be worth it! Add me as friend if you need more support!!
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    taks a look at the book 'you are your own gym'. Has a heap of bodyweight exercises many of which are quiet... any strength-training related exercise is likely to be quieter than the standard cardio exercises.

    But most importantly, just keep moving. You can't expect change to happen straight away, but doing what you are doing and moving a lot will get things going for you. If you can at the very least go out for a walk then do it.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    How big is your building? You can use the stairs to be honest. If doing the 7 flights is easy, bump it up and use those stairs to your advantage.
  • Carfoodel
    Carfoodel Posts: 481 Member
    check out fitness blender - they have some workouts that are specifically low impact, but also have this one:


    designed specifically for those that live in apartments who have to consider neighbours :)
  • Xapis85
    Xapis85 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks so much for all your replies - really helpful!

    I'm really determined to do as much as I can, so I got out of work for a 25 minute brisk walk this afternoon as well. Feeling good but a long long way to go, and I'm worried about keeping it up!

    I'm on the 7th floor of 7, so no higher to go with that... but I'll definitely check out the other links and ideas you've all given me. Thank you!