

  • Hello. I am 27 years old, so I believe you and I should become workout buddies. Grateful that we are already friends on MFP, I am also trying to lose a sh*tton of weight. I, as well, am trying to lose A LOT of weight. You should see my tracker and I started roughly over a month ago. I haven't seen anything significant…
  • - I didn't look like a barrel when I sat down. - I didn't have all this fat that I needed to get rid of, such as on my stomach, arms, back, legs and neck. - My fat wasn't so stubborn to lose (It's been a month! Nothing budged!) - I didn't get the crappy end of the gene pool and I had my mom's genes instead of my dad's. -…
  • I am completely astounded by the number of people who had already came back and added to this board. I greatly appreciate the support, even though that I feel down on my luck. I have been using measuring cups to measure my food and whatnot. I'm not exactly in the best of financial situations to get a measuring scale, but I…