

  • I'll message you my instagram! Thanks for this advice! And I've done a lot of research and to be honest it's making me a little OCD.
  • I've been using 3 and 5 lbs. Will do!
  • Yeah I don't have that much to lose. and thanks!! :)
  • This is great 3laine75! Thanks! BTW general Update: I totally forgot I have bands that connect to a door from when I did P90X so I can do pullup type stuff too
  • I have a heart rate monitor so I just plug in the calorie amount each day
  • Okay well for now I'm gonna use dumbbells but I need to figure out exactly what exercises to do
  • Well since I'm a girl I probably won't be lifting as much but right now I have 3, 5, and 10 pound dumbbells. I can buy heavier ones but then the question is what do I do with them? Like just curls, rows, etc in routine/circuit form but keeping it heavy unlike Jillian's program so my fat turns to muscle?
  • No I don't have that. Also to be honest I'm pretty self conscious and anxious about everything, which is partly why I like working out at home. I mean I'll do what I have to do but I'm just so sick of changing and switching routines up and stuff. And like now I'm considering joining that Nerd Fitness thing which costs…
  • I just read all of that and got super pumped and looked into it but it does cost money and I'm kinda sick of investing in stuff if I'm being completely honest. If I have that stuff at home, which I do, now all I need is to know what exactly to do with it haha. I know various exercises, aka, squats, deadlifts, bicep curls,…
  • I don't mean I'm not willing to put in the work because I am. I'm just saying I'd rather get it done at home just like I get my other workouts done at home. My parents belong to a gym so hypothetically I could join but I was asking if lifting on my own might work too.
  • Thanks! I don't really "want" to get into weightlifting. I have weights at home and I can use a bench or something at home. I don't have that other stuff though. You don't think doing various lifting exercises without machines is good enough? :/
  • What's "caloric dense foods"? And I'm eating 3 300 calorie meals a day and 2 200 calorie snacks. Should I just add like a little healthy something to my lunch or something to hit the calorie limit?
  • :/ It's just 1700 calories is A LOT to eat. Especially if I'm eating reallyyyy healthily. And I've been working out and eating pretty well for months and months now but I'm in like my 4th week of following a meal plan and stuff.
  • Thanks! I mean it's not that I'm not working out hard enough or whatever. So I guess it must be my nutrition!
  • Sounds good thanks!
  • Sanfly: Thanks! By recently I mean I've been on a strict meal situation/plan for like 3 weeks. I know you didn't ask this but my scale is a nice scale but for some reason it sucks. Like I'll wake up and get on it and it'll say 135 or something then 2 minutes later it'll say like 138. And as for a food scale I don't have…
  • Well what I think it that my BMR is around 1800 and adding that to the exercise is 2100 then if I'm eating 1500 calories it would be a 600 calorie deficit. I'm not eating my exercise calories so maybe I'm not eating enough? It's just right now I had two 150-200 cal snacks, and 3 300 cal meals. Maybe I need to eat a little…
  • I'm doing both Jillian and Focus T25 so it's more like 45-60 minutes a day but gotcha thanks! I'll check this site out!
  • I recently had blood drawn and it said my thyroid is good so I don't think that's it. Also 1,200 is like the bare minimum so I don't know if I want to eat that little..
  • I don't eat exercise calories. Also I exercise 6-7 days a week. Also, I can look into getting a scale but if anything I'm underestimating the protein amounts. But I'll definitely look into getting a scale. So Greenrun99 are you saying to eat 1600 calories? Ah I just can't imagine that eating too little is the reason I'm…
  • I've been tracking calories for at least 3 weeks now and before that I did it on and off. 2. I assume you mean like a scale to measure the amount of food. I don't have one that measures ounces and stuff but I measure tablespoons, tsps, ounces, cups, etc with other things. 3. i haven't used fitness pal to log my calories…