TheLastKeeper Member


  • Welcome, Sir; As you change your dieting habits be sure to keep an eye on the natural sugars in some of the drinks, as they can put you way over on your goals you have set. Also, have you checked with your doctor for advice and an OK to radically alter your diet? Good luck in your goals.
  • What type of foods do you like to eat? Also, check out the cook book section of your local library for any of the Cooking Light annual editions - they are overflowing with lots of recipes and they give all the necessary nutritional information. We try 2-3 new recipe's a month and after 2 years have only been disappointed 1…
  • They showed up at my door the day after I resolved to start losing weight. This is the first year I haven't bought them in close to 25 years. My kids hate me, my wife is convinced the real me has been abducted by aliens, and I am getting smaller every day ! ! !
  • Great job - thanks for the inspiration
  • Welcome to the show ! ! !
  • I know you've probably already thought of this, but did you get checked by your family doctor before you started this? You've got a great goal set for yourself, but that amount of targeted loss should only be done after a physical to make sure there are no underlying issues, such as diabetes, C/V issues, etc. Please, don't…
  • From what I remember when my kids were that age, even when you're trying to lose weight you need to drink plenty of water and keep your caloric intake up to a certain amount to properly feed your baby. Either check with your obstetrician or do a little online research. Good luck and have a blessed day.
  • As long as I am exercising enough to keep my metabolism going, then I don't worry about getting so close to my daily mark. I consistantly try to keep below it, looking at the mark as my absolutely top limit. If you're consistantly finding you are 200-300 shy of your daily goal, consider lowering you goal to that mark to…
  • Welcome, I'm pretty new myself but have found a lot of inspiration, ideas and encouragement in the past few days to know that the resources are here, we just gotta use them. Good luck...
  • Welcome back and good luck. I'm brand new here and find that there is so much inspiration on these pages... How can we NOT be successful?????
    in Hi Comment by TheLastKeeper January 2011
  • There are a lot of folks here willing to encourage and help along the way. You can do it and you don't have to do it alone.
  • All good advice up above... Make sure you take the time and go through all the forum posts, make new friends and research anything you have questions about on your own. Don't always take what some one else says as totally acurate. You're starting at a good time, work at it slow and steady and you'll be ready for your big…
  • I'll generally have my coffee and a glass or two of water before I workout, then after I've cooled down and showered I have my breakfast. I find I eat less afterwards.
  • Lost my first pound and decided to spice it up a bit on my end. Starting today I'm shooting for 75 miles walking/elliptical by the end of the month. Being totally out of shape at this point I figure that this is the lowest impact for me and getting through this will get me out of the starting gate to allow me a more…
  • I didn't exercise for years because of back issues. 5 surgeries over 6 years left me wary of any thing resembling exercise. When I lived up north I knew that shoveling my driveway of 18" of snow was going to lay me up for 2-3 days. We're in FL now and I don't have to worry about that anymore. After moving to another part…
  • Up in Palm Coast (between St Augustine and Daytona Beach
  • Sounds like a plan, to me. I need a little accountability to keep me honest. Thanks a million.