Caerphilly75 Member


  • I use icardio, it allows me to map and track both my runs and bike rides. It never crashes and rarely loses signal. I use to use Nike GPS+ for run and it pretty good as well.
  • I took this approach and have been very happy with it, I just finished a year long program from a book called 'the new rules of lifting'. I do strength training 3 days a week and cardio 2 or 3 times, but always leaving 1 rest day. Down 60+ so far, i've 3 5k's this year and plan on a triathlon in the near future, I feel…
  • I gained 10 lbs my first month :) I started 10/09 at 285 by 11/09 i was 296, but 3/10 i was down to 265, if you have a solid plan it will work out in the end :)