bicajen Member


  • Either for lunch or for dinner just make sure that its balanced! Try a salad with some protein like beans or grilled chicken, half a turkey sandwich on whole wheat with a salad. Or your regular dinner favorites with healthy twists like tacos with turkey meat and whole wheat tortillas. We love to make mini pizzas at our…
  • I just watched this movie last night. It really makes you stop and think about out "food" and where it comes from. It has really pushed me in to being a vegetarian (again lol). If I do eat meat it will only be organic. We went out and bought fresh organic fruits and veggies today and I feel so good knowing what is going to…
    in Food Inc Comment by bicajen May 2011
  • Yes I would say cardio! I'm out of breath by the warm up lol. Not for long though. I also have BL Yoga I love it! It is a great addition to shred or just to change things up. I did my shred last night and I think I should get extra cal's burned because I did with a toddler clinging to my waist lol. (He wanted to play too)…
  • OK OK I'm in. I was looking for some motivation and support for exercise and came across this post so I guess its fated. lol I've been doing the BL diet but I need to get movin. I've done the shred in the past and it really works. Good luck everyone! :)
  • OMG I know how you feel! Just did the same thing last night! I took a "break" and ended up gaining my weight back. <argh> But the above poster had a point. Thats still you in there. Dont forget to love who you are and what you can become! Keep up the good work!