Food Inc

Man has anyone else watched this movie and been left feeling helpless and angry.....I just watched it this afternoon and it blew my mind and kinda made me feel sick to my stomache. Still feeling sick....ugh


  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    I have heard about it. Is is about where our food comes from? There is a book, The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan that has the same subject. It has turned a lot of people into vegetarians.
  • blondie1121
    blondie1121 Posts: 15 Member
    YES! It was on PBS yesterday and I about died after I watched it. UGH. So disgusting, the corn, the ecoli, the power hungry CEO's that think we are too stupid to ASK where our food comes from??!! Makes me only want to shop at Farmers Markets for the rest of my life. SO GROSS.
  • bjenny12345
    bjenny12345 Posts: 118 Member
    No but it sounds like something I need to watch, is it out on DVD or a tv channel? I haven't heard of it til now.
  • crisdB
    crisdB Posts: 49
    yes, i saw it a couple months ago...and it made me feel the same as you! blaaahhhh
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    no I haven't but I have seen the movie about mcDonalds.... oh what is it called..... Super Size me. we had to shut it off in the middle of the movie. So gross!
  • samiko
    samiko Posts: 34
    I watched it last summer.....Had MAJOR eating issues after eating it, my family accused of me of starving them....I pretty much eat most of my stuff organic now. I am a BIG label reader.....and usually that is all it takes for me to put something back on the shelf. I'm a little better now, and occasionally will splurge a little bit more in the American way of eating without making myself sick to my stomach thinking about how this poor chicken's life was plumped up like a balloon. But it is still hard...I hardly eat out, and fast food is obsolete! Good luck trying to get over those mental images....Once you have watched Food Inc, you can never go back!!!! LOL!
  • youngtweezy
    youngtweezy Posts: 183
    no I haven't but I have seen the movie about mcDonalds.... oh what is it called..... Super Size me. we had to shut it off in the middle of the movie. So gross!

    Fat Head is a response to Super Size Me that I think people should watch.
    Also, Food Matters, Tapped and The Future of Food are good movies related to this one.
    These are all on Netflix.
    I haven't watched Food, Inc. yet, though. I plan to watch it on Netflix sometime soon.
  • samiko
    samiko Posts: 34
    BTW, my profile pic.........yes that is a carne asada burrito with beans on the side...No it is not organic, it is one of my only remaining guilty pleasures.....and it took a long time for me to be able to RE- tolerate it, I think it being REALLY yummy helped!
  • ahanson6
    ahanson6 Posts: 102
    I love love love this movie. My father-in-law made my husband and I watch it, and we liked it so much that we bought our own copy along with the guide. Now we watch all kinds of food related documentaries. It's shocking and disturbing, but it really makes you think about what you put in your body. Now we grow our own veggies in our back yard, hit the local Amish farmers market whenever possible, and we do our best to only buy humane local meat.
  • alexbowser
    alexbowser Posts: 322
    It's pretty shocking stuff. I think everyone needs to see it, but a lot of people prefer to be ignorant to what's going on in the food industry.
  • eating4balance
    eating4balance Posts: 743 Member
    I know Food Inc. used to be on Instant netflix....

    ***Correction*** Food Inc. IS on Instant Netflix.
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    If you are into this skinny b*itch is a good read.x
  • VeraGar
    VeraGar Posts: 1 Member
    I decided to become a vegetarian as a New Year's resolution. Watching the movie Food Inc. and reading The Omnivore's Dilema has made it easier to stick to my resolution. It is empowering to know that we can make an impact (however small it may be) by choosing were and how to spend our dollar.
  • ahanson6
    ahanson6 Posts: 102
    no I haven't but I have seen the movie about mcDonalds.... oh what is it called..... Super Size me. we had to shut it off in the middle of the movie. So gross!

    Fat Head is a response to Super Size Me that I think people should watch.
    Also, Food Matters, Tapped and The Future of Food are good movies related to this one.
    These are all on Netflix.
    I haven't watched Food, Inc. yet, though. I plan to watch it on Netflix sometime soon.

    These are all great. I have also ordered Dirt: the movie, and King Corn. They should be coming in the mail this week!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    It made me sick too.
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Yes I did...sad thing is one of the chicken farms was in the same county as me in KY that was on the show! That's all that was around me where I used to live...and watching the documentary really pushed me to buy organic meat. Now that's all me and my fiance eat. It's disgusting what people will do and sell for money.
  • cindaroses
    cindaroses Posts: 117
    After watching it, my husband and I got our own chickens for eggs and meat. We also started buying more organics. And since we haven't gone out and bought fast food hamburgers.
  • MaddameKat
    MaddameKat Posts: 200 Member
    I started watching this today and had to stops as i want my OH to see it... what frustrates me the most is that it seems to be about the states, i live in the and wonder how bad we are over here at treating animals like this. I understand they are to be my dinner and i have made my peace with it but only if you treat them as well as i would treat my dog/ cat/ hamster etc
  • bicajen
    bicajen Posts: 6 Member
    I just watched this movie last night. It really makes you stop and think about out "food" and where it comes from. It has really pushed me in to being a vegetarian (again lol). If I do eat meat it will only be organic. We went out and bought fresh organic fruits and veggies today and I feel so good knowing what is going to fuel mine and my families bodies. Good wholesome food. For now I know it is no meat, organic produce whenever possible and organic farm fresh dairy for us. All in all I recommend people watch it!