Who wants to start 30 day shred with me tomorrow?!?



  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    aw! Im glad to have you girls for sure! Ive tried all day to talk myself out of the shred. I just am not feeling it today. But, Ive decided, after seeing all the encouragement here... to put these kiddies to bed, get the shred done and treat myself to a nice hot bath. I also just took some midway pictures and compared to my start pics. Theres definite change!! So thats exciting! I will come back later on and post them!

    Speaking of AFTER Death by Jillian.... whats everyone thinking of doing next? I have a broken elliptical machine which HOPEFULLY I will be able to fix soon. (Ive missed it and its massive calorie burn dearly.) But I still want to do some weight training. So, Im looking for something like the shred for after. Let me know if you have any ideas. I hear theres a Ripped in 30 thats like the shred on crack but... not sure I want to do that to myself! :laugh:
  • NikkiTaber
    NikkiTaber Posts: 190
    I am pretty sure I am going to do the shred again but do a different level each day. I am also going to start doing her 6 week abs with it. My fiance and I are thinking about starting to play tennis every Saturday so that might be added on. I was thinking of doing her ripped in 30 after my wedding. I can't really afford any more dvd's atm. All the money is going towards this damn wedding. I swear, I will be so happy when this whole ordeal is over with (meaning my wedding).

    I am super glad I have you ladies here keeping me motivated and making sure I get off my tush. I never thought people on the internet would be a better support system then people I know in real life. I want to thank all of you for helping me on this journey. Honestly couldn't do it with out you! :heart:

    OH! I almost forgot! I received my food scale and my heart rate monitor today. I am so excited! Now I will really be able to see what kind of calories I burn with the shred. Also....GAH! Food portions are tiny! No wonder why I have been having some troubles! Pretty sure I have been over eating. :laugh:. My bowl of spaghetti was measured out properly this time around and it wasn't even 1/2 full! I usually eat about 1/2 to 2/3rds a bowl. I really believe these two things are just what I needed to really get this weight loss under way.
  • NikkiTaber
    NikkiTaber Posts: 190
    Ok ladies, I just did my first death by Jillian session with my heart rate monitor. According to the monitor, I only burned 272 calories. Usually when I log it under circuit training its about 308 calories. Just thought you all should know!
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Im not convinced the calorie thing here on MFP is all that accurate. one of the reasons Im iffy about eating back all my calories. I did buy an HRM today! Should have it in a week or so. I cant wait to see where Im coming out!
  • NikkiTaber
    NikkiTaber Posts: 190
    Seriously, I am in LOVE with my monitor. I don't know how I lived with out it. I am becoming obsessed with seeing how many calories certain things burn. I plan on wearing it next time I clean my house! I really think that investing in a heart rate monitor is a really good thing to do if you are planning on losing weight.
  • ginmo333
    ginmo333 Posts: 100 Member
    i want a hrm sooo bad!!! what kind did/ are you guys getting? any tips what to look for in one?
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    Im in. Im starting day 1 tonight. So after i do each one. I will do it 10 days in a row. The.move on.
  • NikkiTaber
    NikkiTaber Posts: 190
    I have the polar ft4. It was about 72 dollars off of amazon. I saw look for one made for a woman and for your fitness level. Also, the one I got had to show calories burned. You don't necessarily need that option if you are willing to calculate calories burned yourself.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    i want a hrm sooo bad!!! what kind did/ are you guys getting? any tips what to look for in one?

    I just ordered this one.... http://1saleaday.com/ 15 bucks! I cant find any info on that model online so I cant know for sure if its a good one. But its bowflex and for that price, Im willing to chance it. Looks like it does everything but pedometer.

    Nikki, what do you log for your HRM? Just your workouts? Im curious what everyday things burn too but assume since its part of the routine that it doesnt really count to add? I dont add cleaning and stuff now though with 3 kids, there are days its a real workout :laugh:
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    I am waiting (impatiently!) for my HRM to arrive. It should be here the end of this week. I got the Polar FT7 for like $82 on Amazon. I will let you know how it is once I get it in my little hands!

    Nikki, so glad you are liking yours...does the chest strap bug you?

  • NikkiTaber
    NikkiTaber Posts: 190
    Not at all! It just feels like your bra really. I always forget it's there

    @julie I just log my workouts with my HRM but I haven't really done anything else that i could use my monitor with. I wanted to wear it and have it go all day to see what it says but I'm paranoid about running out my battery.
  • NikkiTaber
    NikkiTaber Posts: 190
    I am so freaking sore! After 3 days of 30ds level 3 I was already decently sore but putting tae bo and tennis on top of that... WOW! I can hardly move! I love it thought. I really feel like I am doing something right.
  • NikkiTaber
    NikkiTaber Posts: 190
    So, I bought Jillian Michael's 6 week 6 pack abs dvd today. My fiance and I decided to watch both levels to see what I have to look forward to. Right after the dvd ended, he turned to me and said 'Please call or text me when you're finished so I know you didn't die' This dvd is so freaking joke! If this doesn't help me lose stomach weight then nothing will!
  • bicajen
    bicajen Posts: 6 Member
    OK OK I'm in. I was looking for some motivation and support for exercise and came across this post so I guess its fated. lol I've been doing the BL diet but I need to get movin. I've done the shred in the past and it really works. Good luck everyone! :)
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Yikes!! I was curious if anyone had tried it. how long are the workouts and is there any cardio in it at all? I bought the BL weight loss yoga today and did that this evening. It wasnt so bad but man are my abs sore!! Its an hour so its not as doable for me. But it did feel good to stretch out my muscles instead of flex and pound them:laugh:
  • sweetmanjd
    sweetmanjd Posts: 94 Member
    @Nikki - I have the 6week/6pack too...want to try it out on Saturday?? We can check in here to make sure we both made it through alive:) (and nice job on kicking Level 3!!)

    General check in: yesterday was a big "wah. poor me." day. Biggest success was NOT burying that woe in food - stayed within my MFP deficit and ate pretty clean. Today I got outside, ran around my fave park and did a ton of stairs (680!!). What do you know?? I feel better!

    Thanks to all for sharing the info on HM's ...I've been debating...still am. Curious to find out if you feel the extra data benefits you.
    Have a lovely evening MFP's :)
  • sweetmanjd
    sweetmanjd Posts: 94 Member
    Sweets, I totally agree about this thread! I think there is a core group here that will continue long after DxJ has run it's course for each of us. I have so appreciated all of you and the support. I feel a bit of a kinship here that hasn't hit me with any other group...I know, it's too late in the day for mush!

    Carry on!

    PS - love the nickname Sweets...it's come around before:)

    And yes, I think we should start another separate thread post-shred to keep on the keeping on.
    Rock on!!
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    I got up early this morning to do 30 DS. WOW that was hard. My legs are still sore from yesterday. But i didn't give up. . I worked through it. Im sure hoping this is going to show results. Im also doing C25k, 3 days a week. I take the weekend off.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Way to go Melissa!! We are all about midway through and are seeing results. So it works for sure! And perhaps most surprisingly, it did get easier. Not easy but easier :) That and most of us learned to like the sore feeling. So keep it up!! its worth it and its going a lot faster than I thought!
  • bicajen
    bicajen Posts: 6 Member
    Yes I would say cardio! I'm out of breath by the warm up lol. Not for long though. I also have BL Yoga I love it! It is a great addition to shred or just to change things up. I did my shred last night and I think I should get extra cal's burned because I did with a toddler clinging to my waist lol. (He wanted to play too) lol:laugh: Getting geared up for another shred tonight but gotta squeeze in a power walk before this lunch break is over. Stay strong everyone!