Who wants to start 30 day shred with me tomorrow?!?



  • ginmo333
    ginmo333 Posts: 100 Member
    I started level 2 today!! I actually really liked the change! My endurance level was way better than what I was expecting... I was really proud of how few breaks I had to take...not many at all! I was so scared to start it because of all of the horror stories...maybe I psyched myself out so much that I made it worse in my mind than it actually ended up being!

    Woot Woot.... For the next 10 days I will be hanging with level 2. Bring it on Jil :))
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Awesome Nikki!!!
  • shimmerlady
    shimmerlady Posts: 43 Member
    I started level 2 today!! I actually really liked the change! My endurance level was way better than what I was expecting... I was really proud of how few breaks I had to take...not many at all! I was so scared to start it because of all of the horror stories...maybe I psyched myself out so much that I made it worse in my mind than it actually ended up being!

    Woot Woot.... For the next 10 days I will be hanging with level 2. Bring it on Jil :))

    same here gimno. Started level 2 today, I was surprised by how much of it I was able to do. I was like a flaming tomato after it but felt so much better emotionally having done the exercise and got through it. I know I will probably be in bits tomorrow.

    Its also my birthday tomorrow, my husband is away but one of my sisters is coming over so planning on having a few glasses of wine but going to do exercise before I do any drinking so hopefully that will help in getting rid of the calories.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Morning ladies. Wanted to wish any moms out there a happy mothers day!
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    WOOHOO I DID IT!! I was able to do the whole workout without stopping! I did have to modify a bit but I did not stop! I'm so proud of myself :happy: . I hope everyone else is having an easier time and a beautiful day! (can you tell I'm in a great mood lol)

    That's awesome! I hope your great mood has lasted, you deserve it!
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    I wasn't able to do 30DS yesterday, I spent an hour with a personal trainer at the gym and she really worked me hard so I just didn't have anything left in the tank. Back to it today, though. I think I am going to do level 1 for one more day (muscles are sore from yesterday). Glad to see everyone working through it!
  • britt8507
    britt8507 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm new to my fitness pal and still trying learn this website. But even though I'm new on here I absolutely LOVE the shred. I would love to get involved with you ladies and help keep each other motivated! Please feel free to add me.

    Also how do you get your weight loss tickers to work? I have lost 4 pounds and I would like to see the count to help me stay motivated.
  • perktms
    perktms Posts: 47 Member
    WOOHOO I DID IT!! I was able to do the whole workout without stopping! I did have to modify a bit but I did not stop! I'm so proud of myself :happy: . I hope everyone else is having an easier time and a beautiful day! (can you tell I'm in a great mood lol)

    Good for you!!! That is awesome!
    Keep up the good work!
  • perktms
    perktms Posts: 47 Member
    I'm new to my fitness pal and still trying learn this website. But even though I'm new on here I absolutely LOVE the shred. I would love to get involved with you ladies and help keep each other motivated! Please feel free to add me.

    Also how do you get your weight loss tickers to work? I have lost 4 pounds and I would like to see the count to help me stay motivated.

    Welcome! I have just completed the shred for the first time and I LOVE it, too.
    I am trying to recall how the tickers work. I'll check it out and post again!
  • perktms
    perktms Posts: 47 Member
    I'm new to my fitness pal and still trying learn this website. But even though I'm new on here I absolutely LOVE the shred. I would love to get involved with you ladies and help keep each other motivated! Please feel free to add me.

    Also how do you get your weight loss tickers to work? I have lost 4 pounds and I would like to see the count to help me stay motivated.

    Go to the TOOLS tab and then click on tickers. That ought to do it.
    Good luck!
  • sweetmanjd
    sweetmanjd Posts: 94 Member
    Boo. Very frustrated this morning...knee issues for the past 3 days and still not feeling like I should do the Shred. Not sure if it was brought on by Shred, Zumba or kickboxing. I have had 2 ACL reconstructions 10 & 18 yrs ago so knee pain is a regular thing. Sometimes it stops me, sometimes not. Usually not:)
    Going to foam roll, try some no-impact cardio at the gym and just lift without the compound movements to keep the muscles going.

    On a positive note: it's amazing how 3 days off feels like an eternity after just 2 weeks of regular morning Shred :) I don't think I can tolerate another day of doing nothing.

    Keep it rolling ladies...I'll keep checking in for motivation to get back on the horse when my knees are ready.
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    Boo. Very frustrated this morning...knee issues for the past 3 days and still not feeling like I should do the Shred. Not sure if it was brought on by Shred, Zumba or kickboxing. I have had 2 ACL reconstructions 10 & 18 yrs ago so knee pain is a regular thing. Sometimes it stops me, sometimes not. Usually not:)
    Going to foam roll, try some no-impact cardio at the gym and just lift without the compound movements to keep the muscles going.

    On a positive note: it's amazing how 3 days off feels like an eternity after just 2 weeks of regular morning Shred :) I don't think I can tolerate another day of doing nothing.

    Keep it rolling ladies...I'll keep checking in for motivation to get back on the horse when my knees are ready.

    Good luck with the alternate exercises. I'm impressed that you are keeping at it. I totally relate to being ready to get back at it after a little time off. I didn't do the shred over the weekend (my married daughter was in town and we just had too many other activities) and I was ready to get back on it this morning! Such a shift from where I used to be. Hang in there and keep us up to date on the knees!
  • NikkiTaber
    NikkiTaber Posts: 190
    Good morning! How is everyone doing today. I haven't done the shred for the last couple of days. I usually take weekends off but I was also sick this weekend. I still don't feel 100% but I am going to try to do the shred anyways. I'm thinking of maybe doing level one instead of 2. Idk. If I can't do the shred due to sickness I'll do some yoga and go take my dog out for a long walk. I can't go another day with out doing some sort of exercise lol.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Hey girls! I also took the weekend off from the shred. It was daughters bday and we ran all day sat and sunday. I walked/played off a zillion calories Im sure! I did level 2 today and wow! It was rough getting back at it. I had to stop quite a few times again. But, Im back at it nonetheless!
    Man, I forgot how hard dieting during summer is! It seems like we have something 'naughty' going on every weekend. Easter, her bday and moms day and then a wedding this weekend. I feel like I picked a bad time to start a 30 day challenge. But, at the very least I am still loosing and noticing a huge improvement in my jiggly bits! :laugh: Im just feeling like Im not going to have the amazing losses at the end that some people. But, I own it now and can always do it again!
  • NikkiTaber
    NikkiTaber Posts: 190
    Hey Julie that is a great picture! You have a beautiful family.

    I'm feeling the same as you. I don't think I am going to have the awesome loss that others seem to get with the shred but I definitely do think it's helping a lot. I agree with feeling the change with the jiggly bits lol! Once this month is over, I plan on doing the shred again but doing it a bit differently. I will do a different level each day and I think that will work really well for me.

    I'm getting back on the shred tomorrow if I feel better. I hate being sick! Ugh!
  • sweetmanjd
    sweetmanjd Posts: 94 Member
    Sounds like we're all dealing with all the normal stuff that derails lots of people. The trick is that this stuff ALWAYS happens...parties, holidays, Summer:) A big part of this process for me is remembering how I stay healthy during the 'normal' distractions of life.
    And this forum is a new kind of tool for me in that.
    I really appreciate reading your updates and hearing that we're all wrestling with fairly similar challenges.
    And then reading how you get over it and jump right back into the Shred:)
    Keep at it, studly ladies:)
    No matter what the tape measure says at the end of the month, the real victory is in setting the good habit of working out - hard - regularly.
    Cheers to us!!
  • ginmo333
    ginmo333 Posts: 100 Member
    i usually do my shred in the morning...well we had a busy day today! I was lacking serious motivation to just get it done, not to mention I went to my gym class tonight that kicked my booty! so i got home, ate some dinner and procrastinated BIG TIME!!! Finally I knew I just HAD to do it...I hopped onto MFP real quick for some motivation, and did it! It's only 10pm (lol) but hey at least it's done. Phew. I couldn't miss a day.....This is the hardest it's been for me so far to push play. Hopefully I will be able to get to it earlier tomorrow so I won't have to worry about getting to the end of the day and not getting it done.

    You guys are all awesome...and help keep me on track :) thanks
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    I started level 2 today! I am back to hating Jillian. My 11 yr old son walked into my room after I had just finished the workout...he looked at me and said, "Death by Jillian?" As tired as I was I laughed hysterically. That is exactly how I felt! I made it through, it was really tough, but I think it is good to push myself again.

    Glad to see the rest of you pushing on...it really helps my motivation! I think this is the longest I have ever stuck with a DVD workout! I agree with Julie and Nikki that I am probably not going to see the big loss, but I am wiling to take whatever I get because I can feel that it is doing me some good. Keep up the great work, Ladies!!
  • NikkiTaber
    NikkiTaber Posts: 190
    Death by Jillian! How funny! I cracked up when I read that. I was only able to do about 1/2 the shred today due to being weak from being sick these last few days. I was able to get on my exercise bike for about 20 mins and did a light pace. I'm hoping tomorrow will be better for me.

    Thank you all for helping keep me motivated. I don't know why but with this forum, I feel like if I don't do it I would be failing you guys. It helps me press play everyday for my daily dose of death by Jillian :laugh: (that is now how I am going to view the 30ds from now on)

    Hope everyone is having a fantabulous day!
  • perktms
    perktms Posts: 47 Member
    I like the death by Jillian comment, too!
    I finished the Shred on April 30th and had taken a break. Something was missing from my life! I decided that I'll do each of the levels once a week and incorporate it with some other workout stuff (Turbo Jam and some yoga, as well as walking and softball).
    I was so deluding myself to think that since I did the shred going back to do Level 1 would be easy!!! Eating a piece of humble pie right now! Level 1 still kicked my *kitten*, though I am glad to say that my stamina for the cardio was much better this time around. When I first started in April, I had trouble doing the whole two minutes without stopping for the quick breathers she allows.
    Keep it up, everyone!