

  • I love soft boiled eggs. They are like poached eggs, but more work to eat and they feel a little fancier to me. I have a wonderful How to Cook book that says this... Get your eggs to room temperature, and boil your water. Add eggs, and turn the stove off (I put it on low) Cover, and let eggs cook in the boiling/hot water…
  • I don't have any male friends that I talk to or spend time with apart from my husband. I feel like that is just asking for trouble. Its very normal when you get married to transition from having mostly single friends to more couple friends. Our premarriage counselor told us that, and its proved true. My best friends now…
  • I've eaten vegan on and off since I developed a milk allergy five years ago. I'm also allergic to soy. And nuts. I think that all the meat alternatives are nasty. I eat mostly beans, rice, fruit, and vegetables. And pasta. :) Anyone have any good bean recipes? I love black bean soup, pinto beans with chips and salsa, and…
  • The trick is to take time off your restricted diet, but not to gain any weight back. Personally, I can't take one day a week off, because it keeps me from loosing that week. Every few weeks I take an entire week off. I stock up on all my favorite healthy foods like berries, artichokes, and watermelon, and I get rid of any…
  • Oh my goodness, you need fruit! Throw in a couple servings of fruit. I eat either a mango or apples with honey every morning!
  • I'm sick and the hubby is out, so I had Healthy Choice soup - Country Vegetable. Its really yummy!