

  • I told my husband since it was just us and my grandson we are going out for lunch. I plan to have the traditional meal but I probably will bring half of it home. I WILL have a dessert. I probably will have half of the dessert and give the rest to my grandson. At least this is my plan. I should still be able to stay around…
  • I don't know what your time is like but I have found that joining a gym has helped me. I work out with a personal trainer 3 times a week and do some kind of cardio two times a week. I found that if I was paying for it I would go. When I tried to do my exercise at home I could always find a way to do something else. The gym…
  • I am just starting out on this journey but I have already determined that I have to have weight training. In the last six months with the help of my trainer I have lost 3 inches in my hips and 2 in my waist and bust. I have only been actively doing the things that will help me to loose weight for three months so I have…
  • I too am a diabetic and my biggest problem right now is eating enough calories. My doctor has taken me off bread, rice, potatoes, starchy vegetables, crackers in fact anything that is high carbohydrate and I can have only 1 serving of fruit a day. I am suppose to eat 1200 calories a day before any exercise. I am usually…
  • Just started on MFP and I look at the caloris I should be eating and the other goals such as carbs, sugar and protein and I can't figure out how to get the calories withour going over on the other things. I am diabetic and the carbs and sugars are big things for me. Should I be less concerned about the protein?
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