Chieflrg Member


  • Many reasons why you might off felt different. 1. The tolerance of uncalibrated weights is high so you can be 3lb heavier or lighter per plate. If you lift at home you are using the same plates so regardless what they actually weigh, they weigh the same every time. Hence why micro plates are virtually useless for what…
  • Really not enough info about your history to give the advice you probably want but from what you stated... I would resistance train with appropriate intensity, volume, and rep ranges. If your knee is "dodgy" because of recent trauma, I would seek medical advice. If you claim it is "dodgy" for any other reason, I would want…
  • 400 might be good a or warm up. It really doesn't matter. I met a female very near your size who squat 500 for reps routinely, I also know a guy who squats 135 that is twice your size. It's subjective to individual and goals. Why compare yourself to others unless you are competing against them? Just train and get stronger…
  • Forgive me if I missed it but he didn't mention anything about 1rm. There nothing inherently dangerous about heavy singles or triples, fives, tens, etc.... Key is proper load management. Any rep scheme can be higher risk of injury regardless of age if programmed incorrectly for the individual. I have up to74 olds that do…
  • Actually initially there is a lot more wiggle room of "not knowing" the science behind programming when we are speaking of the goal of "strength training" as the OP stated. I forgot the actual sample size, but I do remember it was several thousands of lifters a few years ago was reported by at least two of the starting…
  • Not a given. Depends on experience, equipment available, research, individual responses to lift selection-volume-stress dosage, adherence, etc...the majority of those programs are not appropriate on a stress, average intensity, load management, etc...level. I'm not saying the OP shouldn't use one, I'm saying very clearly…
  • There are many ways to apply stimulus outside of the gym. The gym is just more efficient as far as making less drastic changes to programming, more options, and ability to stay in the sweet spot of stimulus and volume. Foe my clients that don't have or prefer to stay home I insert suitcases, gallon jugs, stairs or boxes,…
  • Hi Elizabeth, I'm glad to hear you are back at the gym! So important and beneficial especially for your specifics. MFP doesn't allow us to offer our services or ask you to "personal message" a potential client seeking what you ask. This doesn't mean you can't do it on your own I hazard, but I never asked a moderator or…
  • CO-signed & well said! I trust your medical team is giving you sound and reasonable advise. We don't know your health history either. Myself and a few of my clients are missing portions of our digestive tract which means we don't absorb protein efficiently. Advanced age, we don't process protein anything close to when we…
  • Yes I hear your words. I'm speaking of the Cert's value specifically which I believe you understand my stance. The ability to get a job at most commercial gyms is the main reason to acquire a cert. There is some random value which is also very specific such as one that allows you to be on a list to train pro golfers and…
  • Nothing wrong with free styling it in a sense if you are consistent logging, reading current evidence, & doing block reviews it then can be very rewarding. Actually I encourage it under those conditions if you don't have a coach to learn from. The important thing most people fail to realize you can't run a program over and…
  • I'm not sure what gender you are because my eyes are old, but my general guideline for a bulk is a starting point is within 9-14% in men or 19-24% in women. Can we start higher? Yes, I just wouldn't recommend it as we have to lose the fat regardless for our desired results and why not start in a more advantageous starting…
  • Hi, Glad to see you hit a goal and also lifting 3-4x per week. It would be helpful knowing some about your current training stimulus and any adjustments you plan to do. I see you stated you're at your goal body weight, but that doesn't give a lot of useful info such as body composition. To know if a bulk is a reasonable…
  • Somewhere in recent years after the reintroduction of the BMI into medical society, the use of BMI has been skewed by general society. Probably when the internet became widely available. The combination of the vague info needed and ability to quickly formulate a BMI made it once again a simple screening tool and nothing…
  • Congrats on making a great decision. It would be useful in knowing... 1. You have interest in. 2. Equipment available 3. Time available 4. Days available The human body is amazingly adaptable and you don't just break something. If you are novel to resistance training or cardio I would recommend you perform very little to…
  • I'm a strength coach for a couple gymnasts and also few retired ones as well. I don't know personally of any online gmynastics coaches as that is a person to person thing to train the skills. Two separate things if I'm understanding you right.
  • Yes as long as you are consistent on your portions and exercise. Remember sometimes MFP may overestimate calories burned and your TDEE(what your body burns on average daily). You "might" have to adjust the numbers. A food scale can be useful if you are not consistent on portions for your meals. As longs as your body weight…
  • Under the best conditions- ultra sensitive responder to training, using enhancements, nutrition on point, training on point, sleep on point, surgeries, etc..we will not gain weight without a increase in body fat. What ever a "shredded type look" is to you, know that we can always expect some fat gain while increasing in…
  • Progressive overload is not solely more weights or more reps. That is often misinterpreted. Especially by those who follow linear progression. Part of the reason it is misunderstood is the name itself. Progressive overload can be done so many ways and your creativity is the only governing aspect. Tempo work, shorter rest…
  • Yes it very typical at certain times of training even with the most experienced lifters, we will go through some balance issues. Neck pain could be from a combination of many things. Unless the padding slot was facing down on your traps exposing the bar more, I wouldn't think it is bar placement since the SSB doesn't…
  • Hi @Reonnn maybe you haven't had the opportunity to read the recent research and studies on hypertrophy. Perhaps I'm wrong as I have been many times in my lifetime, but current evidence suggests much different than you suggest. Current evidence suggests we can achieve hypertrophy in anywhere from 4 reps to 30 reps…
  • What ever your heart desires. Though if you don't mind me saying you might benefit more by leaving 30-40 grams of protein for your last meal assuming it's a few hours after 5pm. There is no brownie points for eating extra protein once any MPS has occurred unless you just prefer protein as a energy source.
  • Sorry I missed this reply. Not actually seeing your squat I wouldn't be sold on a any cue. There may be a slight adjustment in foot position, toe angle, bar placement, intensity etc...that would achieve the desired result. "Knees out" may be appropriate, and then again it may not. I would encourage on finding what works…
  • So yeah a pretty good squat there! So I'm not sure if the floor has some noticeable humps but before you actually start you keep shifting you weight back and forth between heel and toes. Ideally I would like you to feel even pressure on your feet from toes to heel and side to side(the entire foot-even pressure). This might…
  • No. Why I agree one shouldn't precisely coast 100%, one also does not to need to destroy themselves. There is established evidence showing benefits with both resistance training and cardio at a lower scale of intensity and exertion that what you are staking as needed for results. One can perform LISS style cardio and…
  • I appreciate you know this and I'm very happy to hear you are seeking ways to achieve your goals! If you have more questions we can discuss your training further whenever you like.
  • I can see what you are thinking Ann, but I'm referring to the generic term of "exercise class" such as body pump, TRX, etc...for any noticeable benefits relative to the OP's goal other than the first couple weeks for a inactive person...not a possibly a partial exception that needs to be defined further than the generic…
  • What is your current plan to gain weight? What is your current plan to train at home?