

  • OK, here's what I do. I go for organic when I can, brown cow and greek yogurts are thicker and more satisfying and I am a convert for plain yogurt. It's GROSS by itself so here's what I do: add a little alcohol free vanilla extract; add Truvia (it's Stevia, but without the bitter aftertaste and it's NOT artificial, nor is…
  • On board with you, 100%. Want to add a couple of things too: It's vital to eat organic food whenever you can. Pesticides really do effect your body (especially your metabolism). And...while your concentrating on your body, your state of mind is just as important to focus on. Mental health is key. And being really…
  • I eat light carbs before and protein after. I try to stay away from bars if I can. I eat fruit and something like oatmeal or a yogurt before and then protein and veggies for a bigger meal after. I'm hungrier after I exercise and I find my metabolism fires better then too.
  • It's hurtful when people are obnoxious isn't it? It's great that you have this forum to express yourself and get feedback from others who can validate that the folks at work are, just that: obnoxious. That said, I would recommend your varying your food a bit. Not because your co-workers are right, or because you should be…
  • I haven't taken diet pills. I have taken homeopathic HCG and lost over 50 pounds. It's rapid! The trick, of course, is the maintenance!
  • I'm all about support.:smile: It's the key!
  • Hey there Kaem: I do understand! I have been a yo-yo for 16 years. I have found that the best way to get to a place where you can stop the yo-yo from going up and down (and stay in "sleep" mode:wink: ) is to first get that weight off quickly and efficiently, and THEN practice, practice, practice mindful eating. No, it's…
  • What a fantastic post to stumble across on my first night at this site. This past year I lost over 55 pounds. I went from a size 22 to a size 10. It has been an amazing journey for me (if I can figure out how to put pics up, I'll do it). I am finally comfortable in my own skin after 16+ years of being obese. The first time…
  • Now THAT's inspiring! It makes me want to post my pictures too! How do I do that anyway?:wink:
  • This is a great discovery! I've been using a way more complicated site and I am so excited to find this one! :smile: