
angela_wolsey Posts: 10
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok I have 2 problems I really hope someone can help me with. The first is I have been doing the turbo jam workouts, n I love them, but the calories in the database seem way high. Is there anyway to know for sure? I really don't want to screw up my calorie intake because my calories burned is off. The other problem I have is being confused about the diet pills my doctor has me on. I have been prescribed 2 different ones to take each day, Phentermine, and Diethylpropion. My doc says they r fine to take both each day, but that seems like a lot to me. Anyone else on diet pills that can help me out? Thanks everyone!


  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    Your doctor prescribed diet pills? hmph!? I find that odd (not saying I don't believe you, i do, i just find it odd that a doctor would prescribe a diet pill)

    only way to know for sure what your burn is hun is to invest in a HRM.
  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    you can buy a heart rate monitor for a much more accurate calorie burn count...and as far as the diet pills, as long as your blood pressure is under control and your doctor is supervising you should be ok. my doctor prescribed Phentermine for a quick while a few years ago and i lost 34lbs in two and half months. The stuff really works but just be careful because it can mess up your blood pressure.
  • bka8
    bka8 Posts: 92
    Ya know I felt like some of the activities in the database were a bit high for me too...bummer, I guess I'll have to keep an eye out for a cheap but not cheaply made HRM
  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    Your doctor prescribed diet pills? hmph!? I find that odd (not saying I don't believe you, i do, i just find it odd that a doctor would prescribe a diet pill)

    It's actually quite a common prescription for appetite suppression for those struggling to lose weight.
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    MissAnjy is right. Invest in a heart rate monitor so that you know exactly how much you are burning - not everyone burns the same amount of calories and as you lose weight and get fitter, you tend to burn less calories during exercise. I can't explain how important it is to have one so that you don't go over on your calories.

    I have no experience with diet pills, but I also think it's odd that a doctor would prescribe them.
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    Your doctor prescribed diet pills? hmph!? I find that odd (not saying I don't believe you, i do, i just find it odd that a doctor would prescribe a diet pill)

    only way to know for sure what your burn is hun is to invest in a HRM.

    Agree about a HRM, in fact I need one!! If you think it's high it probably is. In fact, I really don't trust ANY estimates of calorie burns because so many things impact them. As a result, I stopped eating my exercise calories and started losing weight again. Go figure!!

    As for diet pills, my doctor will prescribe them, but he prefers not to. He told me he would much rather see patients do what I did, and change their lifestyle!
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    Your doctor prescribed diet pills? hmph!? I find that odd (not saying I don't believe you, i do, i just find it odd that a doctor would prescribe a diet pill)

    It's actually quite a common prescription for appetite suppression for those struggling to lose weight.

    ahhhic. Only type of diet pills i've heard of are Hydroxycut, lol
  • Thanks so much! I really appreciate the feed back, n its nice to know others took the pills 2 n they helped! I will definately be looking into a heart rate monitor now! That sounds like it would b a great tool for my weight loss.
  • piccolarj
    piccolarj Posts: 488 Member
    I agree about getting a heart rate monitor it really does help. I also do Turbo Jam and it is said to burn 1000 calories per hour if you do it at the high intensity. What I do is if I know I held back some on the workout and didn't go high intensity I just lower the amount of time I worked out therefore lowering the calories burned. Hope that helps!
  • I haven't taken diet pills. I have taken homeopathic HCG and lost over 50 pounds. It's rapid! The trick, of course, is the maintenance!
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