gecho Posts: 426 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
I'm trying to be good and though i know they aren't the best things in the world I eat lean cuisines or some sort of frozen meal for lunch. My "oh-so-supportive" coworkers spend alot of time fake gagging,throwing up, or making PU faces everytime i look up. They are just being silly because some of the meals though really good smell strongly. Like the shrimp scampi i ate today, smell good to me tasted good to me but I finally to mad listening to those 2 that i snapped at them. Not bad just said "Gee thanks guys that makes my frozen instant meal sound and taste so much better than your fast food now" well..maybe i was kinda sharp. but still!!!

Why do people do that? Do i want to eat a frozen dish with freeze dried noodles/meats/veggies??? NO I would love to be eating french fries! Flamin Cheetos! A Hamburger! ANYTHING ELSE!!! but NO I'm eating healthy. humph.

That goes along with the 'Supportive' people that ask:
*why are you on a diet you don't need to lose weight?
*your losing weight? from where?
*You don't need to lose that much weight you'll look anorexic!


sorry I'm just sounding off.


  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    People just like to be jerks sometimes. Ignore them, you're doing great.
  • chatal36
    chatal36 Posts: 167 Member
    They might be jealous that you have will power and they dont ..
  • karlowe
    karlowe Posts: 92 Member
    focus on the big pic...long term benefits...think of who will get the last laugh when you a the office hottie and they are the office notties...!
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Most of the time they understand that the junk they're eating is bad for themselves. So, instead of admitting that they don't have the discipline to eat something healthy, they make jokes about your choices. Don't listen to them, just smile and nod. And if you can't take it anymore, ask them how much they'll enjoy their french fries when they're dimpling their @$$ :laugh:
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Yikes - they are on to something!
    Don't eat that crap!
  • 2hdesign
    2hdesign Posts: 153
    You've said your piece, hopefully that will help.

    If not, ignore them. LIsten to music.

    Can't do that? See if you can find somewhere else to lunch.

    (and I know what you mean... i'm into the healthy choice steamers right now and while not the 'perfect' food, they are helping me transition from wendys, mcdonalds, etc to a healthier lunch... i do plan to eventually get to where i bring my own home made stuff, but one thing at a time, eh?)
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    Lean Cuisine and Frozen meals taste awesome. Way better tasting than fast foo in my opinion. So not only are you eating healthier than them, you're eating better tasting food too.
  • just Ignore them.
  • they're jerks thats for sure,,, ignore them and frankly you know that when you are sucesful in your weight loss some people will do everything to bring you down, keep your head up high and don't listen to them
  • nordic44
    nordic44 Posts: 8 Member
    You are doing the RIGHT thing!!! Stick with your plan!!:smile:
  • Audi68
    Audi68 Posts: 113 Member
    Your coworkers sound really immature!!!

    This is for you and you alone. I get comments because my broccoli stinks when I bring it in for lunch somedays but too bad.

    Keep doing what you need to do for yourself and consider the source of the comments that you get. Eventually they will find something else to ***** about.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Most of the time they understand that the junk they're eating is bad for themselves. So, instead of admitting that they don't have the discipline to eat something healthy, they make jokes about your choices. Don't listen to them, just smile and nod. And if you can't take it anymore, ask them how much they'll enjoy their french fries when they're dimpling their @$$ :laugh:

    Right! They are trying to make themselves feel better about eating their crappy food!
  • defygravity531
    defygravity531 Posts: 289 Member
    People don't tend to think about the effect their words will have, they THINK they're just joking. It can be so frustrating though.

    My advice: when you're eating your lean cuisine, etc, just think about all the JUNK they're putting in their bodies that's NOT going into yours. Let your results speak for themselves and be a little smug about it. TOUGH *kitten* if they don't like the smell of your meal. My boss at an old job made such a fuss about telling me my Smart Ones meal smelled like feet! I loved that meal and it's actually what I had for lunch today, lol. Remember that your life, your body, and your health are SO much more important than what they think.

    And don't be afraid to tell them they're being super rude. And heckle them about their fat intake when they eat fast food. Did I just see that go straight to your hips?? lol.
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    I agree that they might be jealous of your will power. I try to educate my co-workers, mostly with a bit of sarcasm like " I know this Lean Q isn't that healthy for me. It has tons of sodium, but really not that much compared to those large fries". That usually does the trick!
  • Ignore them. People are morons. I am a big fan of the lean cuisine/healthy choices cause I already get up at 5:45 and I don't have time to make a lunch all the time. I make myself feel better by looking up what's in the fast food I used to love, then I make my own gagging noises.
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    I agree. Just let it roll off. Sometimes people pick on you when you're making changes because they're mad they don't have the guts to do it themselves.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Yikes - they are on to something!
    Don't eat that crap!

    For some of us, they are a really good option. We are all aware they are processed and high in sodium, bla bla bla. No need to judge.
  • It's hurtful when people are obnoxious isn't it? It's great that you have this forum to express yourself and get feedback from others who can validate that the folks at work are, just that: obnoxious.
    That said, I would recommend your varying your food a bit. Not because your co-workers are right, or because you should be influenced by their stupidity, but because you're eating processed food.
    I want to be really clear that I support what you are doing for yourself. I also just want to gently suggest that adding some non-processed food to your diet is possible to do without too much effort. Here's an example of what I eat for lunch and snacks. I always carry an apple with me (it burns metabolism too!) and I try really hard to make sure that it's organic. I'll cut up fruit and put it into cottage cheese. I'll eat organic turkey slices (and if I need to stay away from carbs, I'll skip the bread) and a slice or two of cheese.
    Depending on how you are counting your calories, you might find that using this food log on the site will help you choose some other good foods.
    Good for you for posting your feelings!
  • SweetToothMelissa
    SweetToothMelissa Posts: 137 Member
    My co-workers used to do the same thing!! I just would eat my meals anyways (I used to eat them every night for dinner at work) and they would make comments, but I just smiled and knew that I was actually making a change for the better and would be better off in the long run for it. Also, when they started to see my weight loss they were SHOCKED! People are always going to be stupid...rise above will be thankful you did :)
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Co-Workers are like that at my work too. I work at whole foods and for some reason everyone that works there is really in shape and eats crap. Me and like 5 other people are overweight in the store against 200 people. Everytime i eat lunch, i feel like there watching me. They don't say anything to my face but then i hear from other people what they were really saying about me. And then after that, they come up to me and say Sarina you need to stop losing weight. My co-workers are not very upfront with people but they gossip and bull**** about everyone when that person is not around, and we always find out in the end. Its just like High school.
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