

  • Exercise and diet are essential and must work together to lose weight. Consistency is the key. Keep up the good work. It is important to keep up your target heart rate while completing cardio exercises to lose the maximum amount of weight. It is not always the activity you do to lose weight but how often and the areas you…
  • What you have said is extremely true. It is important to eat 5-6 small meals opposed to 1-2 large ones. Food is not the enemy but something you need to live and function daily. Use it as a survival tool, not something to use to excess. Food tastes good. I know that more than most people, but portions are key. Stop when you…
  • I love to read success stories such as yours. I myself struggle to lose weight and have for the past 10 years. I realize that it is a struggle I will deal with for the rest of my life. I deal with a metabolic syndrome that works against me with every meal, and a physical disability that limits my workout routines and…
  • Despite what others have said it is the combination of both diet and exercise that inspires weight loss. It's important to be persistent and consistent with your weight loss plan. Sugar from some fruits, especially apples, bananas, and pineapple can be bad for you in excess but as long as you compensate with an exercise…