Me, questions, motivation

A little about myself: I have always been overweight, or on the chubby side, whatever you want to call it. I have tried several times in the past to lose weight and it didn't work. Running, workout DVDs, vigorous bicycling, and swimming is what I tried in the past. While these methods made me feel better about myself and more energetic, I certainly wasn't losing weight! I currently weigh 139 lbs. or 138.8 if you want to be precise, but I always round up. I am 5'6. My goal is to lose about 20 lbs before this Christmas. I know, you are probably thinking "It doesn't matter what you weigh, only your pants size", but it does matter to me. I mean, yes, the pants size matters, but so does how heavy I am.

My mini goal is to lose 5 lbs and get a little more in shape before July 20 because that is when my sister is coming to visit. Haven't seen her in years, but she has always intimidated me. She has been super petite and skinny her whole life. She is a fitness guru, nutritionist, and health coach. She owns her own gym. You get the picture. So that is my mini goal motivation lol!

Questions I have for people who have aimed to lose only 20 lbs. or succeeded in weight loss period:
1. I've heard that you can bust your butt 'til the cows come home, but diet is what really determines weight loss. Is this true?
2. How bad is sugar from fruit?
3. What kind of cardio exercise seems to work the best for people in general?
4. Is it good to walk or run really early in the morning before breakfast?
5. Any other advice, tips, or tried and trues?

Thank you


  • sheedy17
    sheedy17 Posts: 128
    The big thing is you have to make sure you are burning more calories than eating, and keeping track properly
    I know nothing about sugar from fruit, but I believe it is a more natural sugar so it isnt as bad but i really dont know
    I find running on the treadmill works, or going for long runs in general, or walking on a treadmill at a good pace on the highest incline
    Running anytime is good, I have read before if you run when you are hungry and first thing in the morning, you can burn more fat because your body is using your fat while you run, how true is it, is another story, I always try to eat before doing any sort of exercise.
    Try to push yourself as much as you physically can, Some people think just doing a light workout will give you a good body and help you out, you really need to push yourself and really go at it in the gym. I find googling tips and tricks helps, reading other message boards and such helps.
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    Questions I have for people who have aimed to lose only 20 lbs. or succeeded in weight loss period:
    1. I've heard that you can bust your butt 'til the cows come home, but diet is what really determines weight loss. Is this true?
    2. How bad is sugar from fruit?
    3. What kind of cardio exercise seems to work the best for people in general?
    4. Is it good to walk or run really early in the morning before breakfast?
    5. Any other advice, tips, or tried and trues?

    Thank you

    1. Yes. You'll hear 80% of losing weight is in the kitchen. It's true. I can burn about 500 calories an hour; I can consume 500 calories in less than five minutes, too.
    2. Not at all bad.
    3. The cardio you consistently do.
    4. Timing of exercise doesn't matter one bit for weight loss, but may matter for blood sugar levels.
    5. Log everything, and (shameless plug) read my only blog entry.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member

    Questions I have for people who have aimed to lose only 20 lbs. or succeeded in weight loss period:
    1. I've heard that you can bust your butt 'til the cows come home, but diet is what really determines weight loss. Is this true?
    2. How bad is sugar from fruit?
    3. What kind of cardio exercise seems to work the best for people in general?
    4. Is it good to walk or run really early in the morning before breakfast?
    5. Any other advice, tips, or tried and trues?

    1. In my opinion yes, this is true. If I'm going to eat 3 square meals of chicken and waffles, I probably can't exercise enough to burn more than I consume.
    2. It is not bad. No food is bad. Lose this perception. If it fits into your calorie goals, eat it!
    3. Whatever you'll actually do and stick to. I hate running, so I never run. Stairstepper all the way!
    4. Exercise timing along with meal timing doesn't matter. Calories don't tell time.
    5. Weight loss is all about calories in being less than calories out. Don't overcomplicate it.
  • Despite what others have said it is the combination of both diet and exercise that inspires weight loss. It's important to be persistent and consistent with your weight loss plan. Sugar from some fruits, especially apples, bananas, and pineapple can be bad for you in excess but as long as you compensate with an exercise plan you should be on your way to accomplishing your weight loss goals.

    The important thing about cardio is that you need to keep interested. So find something such as a spin class, kickboxing, or some other form of cardio to keep yourself interested. Events where you can socialize with others such as classes often work best as well. As to walking or running early in the morning before breakfast, it depends on your temperament and personality. Are you a morning person? How does exercise make your body feel? Do you have the time to workout that early? If exercise drains your energy then perhaps working out before the start of your day may not work for you.

    It is great that you want to lose weight and get fit but consider the reason behind your motivation and whether it will be strong enough to carry you through to the finish line. It sounds like your motivation may be based on envy and a little jealousy of your sister. Check out this website where you can get a FREE Ebook "Beautiful Body Essential" that explains that enhanced fitness and getting the body you want is more than just the physical activity you do: