gardenbird Member


  • I am in my mid 50s now started maybe 5 years ago roughly. Had no sign prior to that though.
  • Blueberries, ground flax seed, banana, milk, butter, a little salt. Oatmeal is awesome!
  • I LOVE eggs! Over medium, scrambled, hard boiled you name it! I always start my day with a hot breakfast. I alternate with either oatmeal with ground flax seed and blueberries in it with milk little salt and half tbsp. butter. Or I will have eggs and toast. Been having a hot breakfast like that for decades! And I don't…
    in Eggs? Comment by gardenbird January 2016
  • in my case it was for health reasons. I have been falling quite a bit and have weakness in my legs and lower back. I took a fall in october and that was when I rejoined the gym and lost approximately 30 pounds since october the rest of it throughout the year On and off. I have a very long way to go but I'm going to do it!…
  • Hi - I have been watching sodium mostly and trying to stay within calorie range. Portion control has been a big thing with me. I am shocked at some packages I thought were one serving actually have several and sodium is in EVERYTHING! I have way more to go but I am taking it one meal and one day at a time so I don't get…
  • Hi I will be turning "50" in a few months which is why I am here. My boss told me about this site and it is helping me a lot! Good luck to you and all on this site!! :happy: :happy:
  • Hey thanks everyone! Learn something new everyday huh :happy:
  • I have a few I do throughout the week. Depending on the day, I alternate between oatmeal with milk and ground flaxseed, eggs and toast or bagel or Cheerios with 1% milk. These are my favorites!
  • Thank you aakokopelli7! I just Googled it the way you suggested. I never thought to do that LOL. Wow this little indulgence is going to cost me ALOT. Good thing I will be only having half of it! It's ok though, that will be enough to get the craving out of my system for awhile. Thank you again and thanks to all :smile:
  • Hi - I did try as a local restaurant but it was not there. It's just a hometime restaurant but this sub is awesome and I have been craving this crazy sub for weeks now and I got one of my friends to split one with me so it won't be so bad - Hope I don't have to add lots of zeros on the end LOL!
  • HI! I am new to this site. Just started a few days ago and it is very enlightening to say the least! I am shocked at the calories and fat grams on some of the things I have been eating! I am still getting used to the site but so far, so good!! Good luck to all! I know we can all do it!! One day at a time right! I have over…