Ltlmis Member


  • Please consider losing your weight as gently as possible. This is something my therapist and I have been discussing recently -- well, that and the notion of getting excited to treat my body well and meet my weight loss goals. I get your temptation to slash kcals and turn to supplements to get it over with as fast as…
  • I was delighted to find a barbecue chain in our city that had many delicious *and* healthy options, and an online menu. Most chain restaurants have nutritional info online that can help you make a good choice. If I had a smart phone I would be whipping it out as soon as the eatery was decided upon. I do think a glaring…
  • Keep quiet. Fat people know they are fat. You don't need to tell them. [/quote] Yep, this. [/quote] *** I"ve never had a burning desire to learn how to cross-stitch ... until I read this line. Now I want it on every pillow in the house. And one pillow in the office. And I'd probably keep one pillow in the car, too. You…
  • I gained 30 pounds with my son, which was too much, IMHO, considering I'd started at 250!
  • Good job, hjsyndrome! Half marathons are an accomplishment and I'm glad that you're doing it the right way by following a training program. I know there are many ways to train for one -- some include jogging, run-walking, some kind of mix of the two, so on and so forth. Does your training program incorporate weights, or…
  • I have some food issues, so a cheat day is not really an option for me. I have had a real hard time climbing up on the bandwagon after such plans in the past, and I find my day-to-day food has a tendency to get squirrelly enough without me giving myself permission to binge!
  • Great, positive thread! I was a little leery to click into it, thinking "I'm just fat" was going to be a boohoofest, but it's cause for celebration! Keep it up and don't let you get in the way of yourself!
  • Ah, the girls. At 298 pounds I had 2 weapons to cut through rooms with, sailing through my life with the assurance of torpedoes AT THE READY ... at 178 pounds, not so much! I find as I lose (and gain, and lose, and gain) that I seem to equate what little femininity I have with the bazooms. There's definitely something…