

  • Hi Chris, I got to try a couple of ellipticals and steppers. I really liked the Bremshey elliptical machine, a little out my price range but it was quiet wich is great for night time workouts. I like the steppers too but they were very expensive. I think I just might go back for the elliptical. First gotta convince the…
  • Hi Chris, I may sound crazy saying this but I love evrything about running. I watch track & fields videos, follow the IAAF news, I still receive running magazines, read books about running (I recommend Scott Jurek 'Eat & Run') . I feel like this is the passion that got away. When I decided to get back in shape naturally…
  • Hi Melissa, I'm new here too. Actually I created this account a couple of months ago but never had the time to properly explore this site. Awesome and supportive people :heart: here
  • Sure ! I'm glad I can help Temika :smile: Let's embark on this journey to kicking the shin splints to the curb together. I will keep you posted for sure :-)
  • Welcome Sky, I'm new here too, so let's do this together :wink:
  • Thank you Kathleen, Chris, Bethenny, Christine and last but not least Tina :smile: Thank you for your encouragements and great advice. I started packing the weight when I started working from home, I barely went anywhere. The kitchen is right there so I ate more and more while working. I love working from home and don't…