5 foot tall guy

Hey there, I'm a short guy who's overweight. I decided to join here to find a way to track my overall fitness levels and weight loss. The tough thing about this is that I carry my weight in very "female" patterns, namely on my hips, thighs, and butt, so it's a real strike to my confidence. Here's hoping I can find some community here.


  • Gr8ChangesAhead
    Gr8ChangesAhead Posts: 836 Member
    All friends welcome :)
  • Mimi28793
    Welcome Sky, I'm new here too, so let's do this together :wink:
  • Shuckster
    How do you do, Skylarklein? I am new here as well and can identify with how you carry your weight. I am a 5'3 male and I carry most of my extra poundage on my thighs and butt. Here's to losing it!
  • lisakay0x
    lisakay0x Posts: 46 Member
    shawties unite!