

  • Beer and Wine are the absolute worse thing you can drink while dieting. They are full of sugars so you really want to avoid these two beverages when drinking. Yes, even the 64 or 55 calorie beers. If you are going to drink you should drink clear alcohol such as Vodka. Vodka has the least amount of sugar so I typically will…
    in Alcohol Comment by dork7760 January 2012
  • Breakfast: hard boiled egg and 6oz of yogurt. Snacks: crackers or carrots and hummus, cheese sticks, pistachios. Really anything in a 100 calorie pack. 1 cup of fruit, watermelon, cantelope, 1 apple or orange.
  • I think that is why it is so bad to weigh yourself every day. You won't know what is an actual loss or gain. I weigh myself 1x a week. Same day of the week and first thing in the morning. I think this will give the most accurate of weight loss or gain, but it will still bounce around a little bit. But when I gain it is…
  • Vibram shoes are wonderful! They are like being barefoot. I don't know how they would do with plantar fascittis, but I would say definetly look into them. They start around $60.00 at REI.
  • My adult drink of choice is Ice Tea with Vodka. I buy Ice Tea bags, make a pitcher of tea and just add the vodka to individual drinks. I'm not sure on the calorie intake, I just know it has to be low. However, now that I am starting a fitness plan I will be finding this out for sure. But it is just tea and clear vodka. I…
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